Saturday 16 November 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation even the Holy One of Israel creator of the Heavens and the Heaven of Heavens the Earth Sun Moon and the stars fixed in the Heavens and all the Galaxies and the wonders thereof of which I created even the whole Universe held in the palm of My Hand to the glory of My Holy Name. Thus say I unto thee a so said I shall in these days of wrath and anger begun punish first of all, all the Nations of the Middle East having thus Judged them and found them guilty of the Breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments of great wickedness and evil of corruption iniquity and immorality of the pollution and destruction of the environment of which these alone are not guilty of so doing but the majority of the western Nations are guilty of which hath resulted in the cruel deaths and injuries of the creatures of My creation of which I shall not hold any guiltless being found guilty of so doing but shall punish them even in the days of wrath and anger THE DAYS OF GRACE AND MERCY HAVING ENDED shall they be punished at this time most serverely unless they do turn from their great wickedness and the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments and do obey from the heart during these days of wrath and anger all of My Holy Laws and commandments and do turn from off the pollution and destruction of the environment of their Nations until Judgment days dawns of which if they so do I shall with hold striking them down to the dust of the ground and instead until Judgment days dawns reward them with peace and prosperity but and if obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments is not forth coming then it shall be as it shall with all the Nations that refuse so to do that I shall punish them in wrath and anger death and destruction with the IRON ROD of MY JUST JUDGEMENT and with Whirlwinds and fire Earth quakes and great cataclysmic storms or Volcanic activity in many places as never afore seen upon the face of the Earth of tornadoes and hurricanes of floods and the increase heat of the sun scorching the land so much so that nought will grow therein followed by plague pestilence famine drought and of uncontrollable diseases and none no not one that of the Nations of the Earth in these days of wrath and anger escape being punished full measure unless they do from the heart obey all of My Holy Laws and commandments by promise and if upon so doing any do return to their former ways having so promised to keep all of my Holy Laws and commandments they shall I cast down unto the dust of the ground to be no more. But it is that of a certainty those who do obey My Holy Laws and Commandments until Judgment day dawns be blessed with peace prosperity and security and is My Promise saith the Lord God the Host Heaven. But it is at this time as I have Judged Jordan and Syria so I am I purpose having found them guilty of all manner of great wickedness evil corruption and immorality but more so the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments and the pollution and the devastation of their environment resulting in the cruel slaughter, death and injuries of the creatures of My creation of which as I said in as far as the Nation thus Judged and found guilty of so doing due in these days of wrath and anger to be punished I shall not hold any I find guilty of so doing guiltless and shall in wrath and anger unless they turn from their great wickedness and the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments shall indeed smite them down unto the dust of the ground so that they be no more upon the face of the Earth. Thus say I unto these Nation of the Middle East even Jordan and Syria having search  them out unto perfection and having found them guilty of all manner of wickedness corruption and immorality but and especially the Breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments even My Moral Laws both in the open and in secret for the secret places of mankind are not hidden from Me nor are the thoughts and intents of the hearts of all of mankind especially those of My People Israel and those also who bear the Name of Israel yet whose hearts are far from Me who are Israelites in Name only of whom there is to come a day of reckoning but not as yet for now it is having as said afore searched out these Nations Jordan and Syria and having as afore said  found them Guilty of Breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments also guilty of pollution and destruction of the environment of their Nations resulting in as afore said the cruel death and injuries of the creatures of My creation I am at this time purposed to punish them both by the outpouring upon them the full fury of the all consuming Fires of My Wrath and  Anger that is unless they do turn from their great wickedness corruption and immorality and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments from the heart as so set down in My Word the Law and the Prophet and shall as so as said meet the needs of the needy of their Nations  in the provision of  homes for the Homeless adequate facilities for elderly the sick and the disabled and to provide for the young the orphan the poverty stricken of their Nation and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as so set down in My Word and as afore said set down in stone upon the tablets thereof delivered by the hand of Mosher/Moses to My People in the wilderness at the foot of My Holy Mount of which they at this time reside in the ark of My covenant made betwixt Me and My People which shall at the time so ordained by Me when the House to My Name in Jerusalem is once more raised up and of which at this time remains safely hidden but and if there be any of mankind finding it and seeking to remove it there from upon touching it they shall perish most painfully for only those sanctified and separated unto Me and have been appointed to bring it forth at the time I have ordained for it to return it to its rightful place shall be able to do so and none other whatsoever. But as concerning Syria especially shall that Nations government and those who support that regime that hath most cruel slaughtered its own people doth the day of reckoning approach on swift wings to execute My Just Judgment upon that Nations regime government and those guilty in the partaking of the acts of that Government especially its leader who did not only authorise the slaughtering his people but devastated the whole of that Nation leaving it in a ruined state that will take many years to rebuild and of which the reclaiming of the whole of the territory as I said it would be hath not ended for there are yet those who are laying claim to parts of Syria that are in no way willing to give them up without a struggle to keep it and as they are determined to keep it so also is another Nation determined by force to make sure of the safety of its borders by seeking to remove those on it borders and make them safe. But it shall be that not only shall the all consuming fire of My wrath and anger descend upon the Nations at this time thus Judged but also upon those Nations and groups that supported the Syrian regime and its Leader and as I afore time ordained it to come to pass so shall it do so of a certainty. Thus it is now in these days of wrath and anger shall the full fury of My wrath and anger at this time descend upon this Nations regime and its Leader for the cruel slaughtering of its own people and causing the civilian population to flee to the borders of other Nations. Thus as said if the Nations thus Judged By Me turn from of their wickedness and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments until Judgment day dawns and obey them all from the heart according as they are so set down in My Word so shall I with hold My wrath and anger until Judgment days dawns but and any reusing to do so shall in these days of wrath and anger death and destruction feel the full fury of My wrath and anger descending upon them

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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