Friday 15 November 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation unto thee at this time even the Holy One of Israel as said so have I done Judged even all of these Nations Turkey Lebanon and Israel  but especially the land of promise even Israel and have found them all guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments though yet within Israel there is yet a remnant that keep covenant and seek to obey all of the Words of that covenant written therein and it is for their sakes I have held back from pouring out the full fury of My wrath anger upon Israel as a Nation but no longer shall I Hold Back from punishing  Lebanon Turkey and for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments especially as so said  Israel for all who are in Israel are not true Israelites in spirit and in truth yea indeed they are physically so but their hearts are far from Me for they follow after the ways of the Nations around about them especially the ways of the Western Nations and keep not covenant and there are many who pay lips service to Me worshiping Me with their mouths upon sacred days but in spirit and in truth they know not Me nor want to do so but even they of the shepherds of Israel have not the spiritual interest of the My people at heart only their own self interests even of power position and wealth who are as My Word puts it like unto whitened graves full of dead men’s bones  these hypocrites are they that shall indeed feel the full out pouring of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger in this life and when soon Judgment dawns; the signs of which are seen in the heavens; these shall be cast into sheol and the bottomless where there is wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth wherein the worm of torment dieth not nor the fire of My Wrath and anger go not out forever and wherein is the lake of the fires of eternal torment. Well have I said in the past cleanse the land of all that pollutes it especially cleans separate and sanctify unto Me My Holy City and tear down all that is within the Land and cast it forth from out of the Land of Israel even that which is of the Nations and build up the House to My Holy Name least I come to visit thee with the full out pouring of My wrath and anger for it shall be if ye cleans not the land of all that pollutes it of the Nations then of a certainty I shall come in the full fury of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger and thereby shall cleanse the land unto perfection of all that doth pollute it especially those who are not of the true Holy People even are not the children of promise; for the true children of promise do keep covenant not only in there lives but in their hearts and minds in spirit and in truth according to My will and purposes as is so set down in My Word Law and Commandments; even those who refuse to obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall be by Mine own hand cast forth from the Land of promise and at life’s end shall be cast down into sheol and the bottomless pit wherein is the lake of the fires of everlasting torment But as so said afore never again shall I any of My People Israel to be cast forth as a Nation from the promised Land nor shall ever again any other nation posses My Promised Land nor shall Israel ever again be taken into captivity for as promised so have I done returned Israel as a Nation to the Land promised to Abraham and his descendents for an inheritance forever and as promised never more shall I cast forth the children of Israel who are Israelites indeed only shall I cast forth those who are not of the Holy People and who know not nor desire to Know Me but are but as said whitened graves’ full of dead men’s bones twice dead plucked up by the roots and only fit for the fire of sheol the bottomless pit and to be cast into the lake of the fires of everlasting torment. But of the other Nations thus Judged these I have found not only to have broken all of My Holy Laws and Commandments but are full of all manner of iniquity great wickedness corruption and immorality neglecting  the needy of their own people the pollution of and destruction of the environment of the Earth and the cruel treatment of My creatures of land seas and air especially and marine  mammals therefore as I have search out these Nations out unto perfect especially finding them guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments  thus for all of their sins transgressions at this time I am purposed not to cause the full fury of My wrath and anger to descend upon them and to cast them down unto the dust of the ground but shall in these days of wrath and anger wherein the days of grace and mercy have ended punish them in wrath and anger death and destruction by whirlwind and fire by Earthquakes and Volcanoes  Hurricanes tornadoes great floods Tsunamis tidal waves of such an height that nought shall remain standing after their passing also the increased heat of the Sun drying out and scorching the Earth resulting in drought famine plague and pestilence and uncontrollable diseases upon which the medicines of mankind shall have none effect if they refuse to turn from their great wickedness corruption and immorality and the pollution of the environment which doth and hath resulted in the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation and hath also been the cause of the many illness of mankind and obey from their heart all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as so set down in My Word and once a year come up unto My Holy city to keep Holy day even the most Holy of days as revealed in all of the Law and the prophets I shall withhold punishing these Nations until Judgment day dawns and they shall live until then in peace and prosperity but if in any way they refuse or upon promising so to do fail to keep their promise then I shall in wrath and anger by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT punish them so much so that they shall be cast down unto the dust of the ground to be no more nor any remembrance of them remain throughout all eternity. Thus shall it with Israel if they turn and renew their covenant with Me and take heed to and obey from the heart all of the Word written therein even all of My Holy Laws and commandments instead of death and destruction by the outpouring of My wrath and anger in these days of wrath and anger and the punishing of the Nations so shall blessing peace security and prosperity and at the end of life ascension in to My Heavenly Kingdom forever. But of a certainty if they renew not covenant and believe not in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL by Faith then of a certainty the all consuming fire of My wrath and anger shall descend upon all of these Nations and especially upon all of those of Israel who are not of Me in truth and in spirit and do not love Me with all their heart with all their mind and with all their strength and all their will in spirit and in truth by Faith in the only true Messiah.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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