Sunday 17 November 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

   Thus saith the Lord God of Host and the only true redeemer of mankind and the Holy People Israel even the only true eternal Passover Lamb whose shed blood cleanses from all sins and transgressions and the crimes of Breaking My Holy Laws and commandments of those who believe in Him by Faith even the Messiah IMMANUEL thus saith the Holy One of Israel creator of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens the Universe and all that in it that doth exist the Sun Moon and the stars Galaxies and the wonders thereof  even the Earth and all the creatures thereon that live and move and have their being in Me saith the Lord God even Adonai Elohim Tzva’ot for from Me were they created and unto Me they shall return upon passing from the Earth being innocent and guiltless only having upon their flesh the curse of death and corruption caused by the fall of mankind of whom created in Mine own image in Mine own image created I mankind male and female and gave them domino over all of My creation before their fall and upon falling brought upon all of creation the curse of death and corruption and the beginning and passing of time and so as time hath a beginning as afore said so must time have and ending and that ending even the end of days must of necessity shortly come to pass and of a certainty shall do so when Judgment day dawns. But now since the return of Israel the days of the Judging of the Nations hath been fulfilled and the punishing thereof began of which now these Nations even IRAQ AND IRAN having been by Me Judge and found guilty of the breaking of all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments must by Me in wrath and anger be punished by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement unto perfection not only for the breaking of any and all of My Holy Laws and and commandments and especially My Moral Laws but also for great wickedness immorality corruption and iniquity and also the destruction and pollution of the environment of these Nations and the seas oceans and gulfs of these Nations and also of lakes rivers and streams that are within the borders of these Nations but more so if they are guilty of the cruel treatment and slaughter of the creatures of My creation of land sea and air especially land and marine mammals of which I in Judgment I saith the Holy One of Israel  shall not hold those guilty of so doing guiltless but shall in these days of wrath and anger punish them most severely. But and also shall I punish the Governments of these Nations being guilty of failing to meet the needs of the sick the lame the disabled the elderly the orphan the widows the homeless and the strangers within their gates of which their responsibility is to treat them as one of their own until they leave their Nation to protect and to keep them safe from all manner of harm and alarm of which their failure to do so will incur My wrath and anger but on saying that the strangers within their gates should adhere to have respect in as far as they are able to the Laws of these Nations if they are righteous, Holy and true and adhere to My Holy Laws and Commandments and also the culture of the Nation in which they shall reside until they leave and if for any reason they cannot do so should leave and upon leaving should shake the the dust of the ground from off the souls of their feet and shoes of that Nation or refrain from visiting it in the first place for their own safety and peace of mind. thus upon finding these Nations guilty of all of the sins crimes and transgressions set down herein but first and foremost of the Breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments and of great wickedness immorality and corruption and as said of the neglecting the needy as pointed out above I shall pour out upon these Nation at this time the full fury of the all consuming fire of My Wrath and anger not just in floods alone but also in drought famines plagues earthquakes tsunamis pandemics as thou doth call them for I shall strike the whole of the Nation thus found guilty of all the sins and crimes thus set forth above and in My Holy Word Law and the prophets and it is that I shall not refrain in the punishment of any Nation thus found guilty of Breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments for as said in the Judging of the other Nations thus far Judged that no longer will I tolerate the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments by any tribe peoples lands and Nations as said in My Word any found guilty of doing so will be by Me punished most severely but say I to all the Nations that do turn from their breaking of and disobedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments as I said I will most severely punish the breakers of and disobedient to My Holy Laws and Commandments so say I to those Nations that do obey them all from the heart from these shall I withhold in the days of wrath and anger death and destruction the full fury of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger until Judgment day dawns and shall bless those who do obey as so said from the heart all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets bless them with peace, prosperity and security for all those Nations that obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall be protected from all harm alarm of from being defeated by their enemies those who do obey from the heart all of My Holy Laws and commandment shall until Judgment day dawns shall never fall of be destroyed and all who are against Me shall not stand but of a surety fall as shall all the wicked and disobedient unbelieving Nations of the Earth and when they fall they shall fade into the land of forgetfulness to be no more and never more to be remember they shall be as the chaff before the summers threshing floors only fit to be burned up in the all consuming fire of My Wrath and anger even to be cast into the bottomless pit and sheol forever wherein resides the lake of the fires of everlasting torment. The time saith the Lord God of Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens cometh that I shall rule all Nation with the rod of Iron that is My Most Holy Laws and Commandments and the punishment that shall be applied is set down therein and is demanded there from upon the breakers thereof immediately.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

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