Thursday 25 July 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens who holds the whole of creation in the palm of His hand who says and it comes to pass commands and it is done whose will is Worked out in the whole of creation by Roach Hakodesh He whom the Nations of the Earth call the Holy Spirit the Spirit of all truth holiness purity righteousness and true divine Justice now saith the Lord God shortly cometh to an end the Judging of the Nations wherein all having been found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and having been given to all the Nations thus Judged a period of grace and mercy wherein all the Nations thus Judged can if they will repent and turn unto Me through faith inthe Messiah IMMANUEL can be redeemed and saved from My wrath to come thus all the Nations that have been found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of great wickedness of corruption and immorality of the pollution and destruction of the environment and of the cruel treatment and slaughter thereby of the creatures of My creation and the failure of the governments of these Nations to meet the needs of the needy of their Nations even guilty of the breaking of by all the Nations thus judged My Most Holy Moral Laws for all of these sins crimes and transgression have I found the Nations thus Judged guilty of and as said if these Nation do not having been given a period of grace and mercy repent and turn unto Me by Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL being aware having thus been Judged and found guilty of especially the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments of the punishment that is as so set down in My Word their Just due then the full fury of My wrath and anger with the Iron Rod of My Just Judgement not just would but of a certainty shall indeed once that time of grace and mercy ends which shall be when the Judging of the Nations as thus said is shortly to be completed and then the time shall come of the punishing of the Nations according to the punishment set down in the Judging of all the Nations of the Earth that have been by Me thus Judged found guilty and sentenced. Thus as so said the time of grace and mercy was and is a time whereby any of the Nations can if they will turn unto Me the heavens being open to the prayers and petition’s of not only the Nations but of all of mankind but as so revealed and set down in My Word when the time of grace and mercy comes to an end if the Nations repent not and turn not unto Me being hard hearted and deaf to My Word of warning and hard hearted in the rejection of My grace and mercy giving all of the Nations and all of mankind a way whereby they can escape My wrath and anger to come upon all of the Earth and all of mankind.  So it shall be as mankind hath deafened its ears to My Word of warning blinded their eyes to My Holy Word Laws and Commandments and have hardened their heart even as hard as the nether millstone or as granite towards Me the heavens will as so said becomes as brass to the prayers and petitions and pleadings of mankind when indeed the full fury of My wrath and anger descends  upon the Nations of the Earth as it most assuredly shall and thus when once the Nations of the Earth have been one by one punished even as is so set down and demanded by My Holy Laws and Commandments and has and is so set down and revealed in My word and in all of the prophets and those who have been My messengers throughout the ages warning Mankind of the days now thus come upon the Earth and those days yet to come before the final Judgment day dawns and as is set down in My word if these days now upon the Earth had not by Me been shortened then because of that which is to come upon all of the Earth no flesh would be saved but for My Own peoples sake not only those of the Holy People but also all of those of mankind who through faith in the eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah have been redeemed and saved and have become the true children of the Living God even all of My children saith Adonai Elohim Tzva'ot the Holy One of Israel and the Messiah IMMANUEL. Thus as so said I have Judged these Nations even Columbia Panama and Nicaragua and having weighted them in the balances of My Just Judgement having found them guilty of breaking all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments and of My Holy Moral Law I am so set and determined to punish the with the Iron Rod of My Just Judgment unto perfection once that time of grace and mercy given to the Nation Judged and being Judged by Me even according to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as is so set down and revealed in My Word cometh to an end but and if in that time of grace and mercy these Nations do turn unto Me and repent and be redeemed by faith in the only true eternal Messiah and Passover Lamb then instead of punishment and the full fury of My wrath and anger being poured forth upon these Nation shower of blessing peace prosperity and a place reserved in Heaven for all of the inhabitants of the Nation that doth repent and turn unto Me by faith in the Messiah IMMANUEL. But it shall be if repentance is not forthcoming wrath and anger death and destruction and a casting own thereof of these Nations shall surely come to pass by Earth quake and tornadoes hurricanes and great storms of tidal waves and tsunamis of floods followed by drought and famines caused by the increased heat of the sun bearing down upon the land causing the ground to become as hard as iron whereon crops and vegetation shall cease to exist also shall follow plagues pestilence and disease and famine on such as scale that shall devastate whole regions being called by the Nations pandemics of which
he Nations shall be unable to contain.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto the

from the prophet of the Lord

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