Wednesday 24 July 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation unto thee at this time I who doth hold the whole of the Universe even all of creation in th palm of My Hand who in the void called forth the Sun and the Moon and they came into existence who from the dust of the ground have and do create all of the creature of the Earth and all of mankind from dust of the ground all the creatures of creation are formed in the womb and the egg and in many other ways as also is the whole of mankind also formed in the womb from the dust of the ground in the beginning and there from until this day and shall continue unto the end of this Earth and this Universe from the dust of the ground all the flesh that exists upon the Earth is formed and unto dust it shall and doth return but the spirit of the creatures of My creation once parted from their flesh return unto Me but mankind having fallen upon casting off in death the flesh if unredeemed through faith in the eternal Passover Lamb even the Messiah IMMANUEL shall be brought before Me to be Judged and if found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and being unrepentant having been given in the period of grace and mercy the opportunity to repent and turn unto through Me by faith in the eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL shall be taken by the Angel of death and cast headlong into the bottomless pit therein to exist forever along with the adversary and all of his followers. Now it is as I so said that I shall weight all the Nations of central America in the balances of My Just Judgement and if found guilty of breaking any or all of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Laws I shall punish them with the Iron Rod of My Just Judgement and the all consuming fires of My Wrath and Anger shall indeed be poured forth upon them. But not only shall these Nations be alone punished for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments but for all manner of great wickedness corruption and immorality that hath been committed especially in these Nations even the cruel deaths of many of these Nations innocent people especially the young and vulnerable for which in Judgement these Nations and those guilty found therein of causing their deaths shall not be held guiltless but shall upon being Judged and found guilty as they shall be, they shall immediately be taken by the Angel of death and not only cast into the bottomless pit but and also into the Lake of the fires of eternal torment that exists therein as they have been unmerciful to their victims I shall be unmerciful to them one thing that they should as should all mankind understand  life on the Earth is like the morning mist when it hath arisen and with the rising of the sun vanishes so is Earthly existence thus it is that the soul of mankind once parted from the body even mankind’s personality for that is the spiritual part of mankind of cannot die nor cease to exist and is immortal and shall exist forever in either the bottomless pit if found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of great wickedness and evil or if repentant and having been redeemed by the only true eternal Passover Lamb by Faith, even the Messiah and having  ascended unto My Heavenly Kingdom forever, thus then it is those who are found guilty in Judgment of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments and committing all manner of great wickedness corruption and immorality shall by the Angel of death be cast into the bottomless pit forever but those especially who break My Holy Commandment THOU SHALT NOT KILL for as so said whosoever does in any way shape or form is in immediate danger of Judgment thus these shall in passing from Earthly life immediately be Judged found guilty and punish as is demanded by My Holy Law and commandments and shall spend eternity in the bottomless pit from which there is and can be no escape or reprieve and that for all eternity as so shall it be with all who repent and through faith are redeemed by the eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah who shall be in Judgment acquitted and ascend immediately into the Kingdom of Heaven before My throne saith the Lord God of Host for all eternity. Thus also shall I punish these Nations and their Government not only for the Breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments and for great wickedness Immorality and corruption but and especially for the pollution and devastation of the environment of these Nations that not only affect the people of these Nations but and also do cause have  caused great injury and even the deaths of hundreds of thousands of the creature of My creation of which I shall also not hold in Judgment when My Judgment days dawns as it shall soon do so hold those guilt of causing the injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation guiltless but shall indeed punish them most severely in not only just casting the by the hand of the Angel of death into the bottomless pit but into the fires of the lake of everlasting torment. Also shall I Judge these Nations governments as I have so Judged others for failing to provide for the needs of the needy of their Nations even the elderly the widow the sick and terminally ill the disabled the blind deaf and dumb the infirmed and the homeless the orphan the poverty stricken the destitute and the provision of refuge for those fleeing persecution civil war and terrorism, for all of the sins crimes and transgression if found guilty especially in the breaking of any and all of My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Holy Moral Laws so shall I with the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger punish these Nations with great storms Earth Quakes Tsunamis Tidal waves higher than the highest man made structure and with tornadoes hurricanes and floods followed by the increasing heat upon the land of the Sun baking the ground so much so that it becomes so hard that no crops nor any vegetation shall grow causing great famine drought followed by plague disease and pestilence upon such as scale as never afore seen upon the face of the Earth since the beginning of time but as so said and given to other Nations thus Judged so shall I give unto these a time of grace and mercy wherein if they will repent and from the depths of their hearts turn unto Me by Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUAL which if they do so peace prosperity and showers of blessing shall be poured out upon them and My wrath and anger withheld and at life’s end inherit My Kingdom of Heaven but and if not then indeed the full fury of My wrath and anger once the time of grace and mercy hath end shall with Iron Rod of My Just Judgement descend upon them full measure.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto the

from the prophet of the Lord

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