Friday 26 July 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation even the Holy One of Israel Adonai Elohim Tzva'ot I saith the Lord God who holds the Universe and all that in it exist therein in the palm of My hand even I who shall when Judgment days dawns and all of mankind appear before Me shall Judge them With the Iron Rod of My Just Judgment. In as far as Brexit is concerned as so said and now shall come to pass whomsoever shall and hath replaced the previous Prime Minister who shall seek along with machinations imposed by any and all the Parliamentary Parties to change the course and path of Brexit as hath been so ordained by Me that Brexit shall follow and reach the destination I have set for it to reach shall fail to do so and shall incur My wrath and anger to descend upon them full measure. Brexit of a certainty shall reach its final destination according to My Will and purposes as is so set down in My Word. But in as far as the Leadership contest was concerned in that there were only two viable candidates one who stood as a previous candidate and the other one who has had previous experience in being a local governmental leader of which now has so been elected to the office of Prime Minister. The question must be asked will the promises made and witness by the public in his acceptance speech after being by the UK Monarch as the Prime Minister Elect commanded to form a government to govern the UK be fulfilled or will he no matter his claims follow in the footsteps of either the one he replaces or others that have failed to govern the United Kingdom as so elected to Govern the UK by the people of the UK on the basis of their electoral and manifesto promises and pledges of which the British public after electing them to office expected them to keep and of which in the majority have failed to do so especial under the last Prime Minister. But as I so said afore that what the present UK government needed was a strong determined leader who will not back down in not only in resolving  the present Brexit crisis but also in seeking not only to unite the Government but also Parliament so that both Parliament and the Government united can govern this Nation as the people of this Nation elected them to do so for as said afore the country and the Government and parliament are so divided that in as far as the Government at present is concerned; apart from electing a New Leader; is incapable of properly governing the UK especially with Parliament seemingly to have thrown democracy out of the Parliament Window. Therefore this United Kingdom was as said in need of an extra strong determined Leader to unite the country in as far as the disunity over Brexit is concerned and to especially resolve the divisions that exist in the present Government and Parliament and to re-establish a firm democratic system of Government based on the solid foundations of past British democracy that was once the envy of the World and could be once again. But apart from the promises made by the newly elected Prime Minister his main objective should first of all be as afore said to unite the country in as far as the disunity over Brexit is concerned and to especially resolve the divisions that exist in the present Government and Parliament and to re-establish a firm democratic system of Government based on the solid foundations of past British democracy that was once the envy of the World and shall be once again. Thus it is that the Brexit everyone is going to get as I have afore said is the one no one wants but deserves and as said it should now be obvious the course destination I have set for Brexit to reach. Thus it is that now will the incoming Prime Minister be proven to be a damp squib full of empty promises or the rocket needed to propel this government in taking action not only to Unite the Conservative party but and also Parliament and the United Kingdom. But this I do say the future of the UK is as so set in stone and as the course of Brexit hath been set by Me so also hath the future of the UK. Thus though it is that I shall in Judgment Judged all of mankind by the iron rod of My Just Judgment thus it is as so said saith the Lord God  those having been redeemed by Faith in the Messiah IMMANUEL the only true eternal Passover Lamb saviour and redeemer shall in Judgement be acquitted being counted Holy and righteous in My sight having been cleansed of all sins transgressions and the crime of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments through the blood of the eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL and those being found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments being unrepentant refusing to turn unto Me through Faith the redeemer and Messiah IMMANUEL sentence by Me to be cast by of the Angel of death into the bottomless pit and the lake of the fires of everlasting torment that exist therein forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God

from the prophet of the Lord

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