Saturday 28 December 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God and the only true redeemer and saviour of all of mankind and the Holy People Israel even the only true eternal Passover Lamb whose shed blood alone by Faith cleanseth from all sins transgression and the crimes of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Law even He who alone is the only true Messiah IMMANUEL for I saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven for it is saith Adonai Elohim Tzva’ot even I AM THAT IAM who hath with the breath of My Mouth created all of creation even all of the Universe and all that in it is the Earth Sun Moon and the stars of the Heavens and the Galaxies in which they are fixed in their course  and all of their planets that orbit them also all of the wonders thereof of the nebula’s the great dust and gas clouds of the pulsars and the comets speeding through the Universe in their course as so set by Me saith the Holy One of Israel for it is that I have from the very beginning ordain for all things to work together for good even according to My will and purposes as so set down and revealed in My Word for there is nought in the Universe without a course and purpose and destiny even in as far as all of mankind are concerned even until the end of this creation and the beginning of the New. Thus as said so have Judge this Mighty Nation and as so said afore found this Nation guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments especially breaking My Most Holy Moral laws and unless this Nation turns from off breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments to obey them from the heart and from all of their of all of their sins and transgression and from all of this Nations great wickedness immorality corruption iniquity and evil  and the breaking also of all of My Most Holy Moral laws with the full weight of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger I shall punish this Mighty Nation as I shall punish all the mighty Nations of th Earth that do break any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments by great whirlwinds, Earth quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves and of great floods of which previous ones will seem but like the overflowing of a stream or river so much so shall be the outpouring of the heavens upon thee that it will seem as though all of this Nation  shall be as the Earth was when I flooded it and wiped mankind from the surface thereof except for those creatures by the hand of Noah and his family I so saved to repopulate the whole of the Earth for as it was then so it is becoming now even like unto that time when the wickedness of mankind covered the Earth like unto a thick black cloud of evil so much so that if I had not found Noah and his family I would have wiped mankind from the surface of the Earth thereof having then almost regretted ever creating mankind thus as it was then so it is now that all of the Earth is being covered by that same black cloud of wickedness and evil immorality corruption and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments. But as so promised that I would never again flood the Earth as long as the sign of that promise remains to shine forth upon the surface of the Earth but upon stating that shall be so I say that neither river nor stream nor dam built by mankind shall be able to contain the flooding waters that shall descend from the heavens above in punishment for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments. But it shall be as so set down for the other mighty Nation of the Earth by Me to be punished I shall of a certainty punish this Nation if as said it remains guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments not alone for the crimes of Breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and great wickedness corruption and immorality shall I saith the Lord God punish this Nation but also for the pollution and destruction of the environment resulting in the unnecessary slaughter and cruelty of the creatures of My Creation but and especially I shall also punish this two Nation Governments for treatment of their own people denying them a reasonable standard of living whilst they live in the lap of luxury having the best their Nations can provide and the majority of their people kept in poverty and destitution and in many instances are denied their basic human rights also for their persecution and imprisonment of ethnic minorities and organizations and also I shall punish them for the failing of this Government to meet the needs of the majority of the people of this Nation if the provision of adequate health care for the sick the elderly and disabled also meeting the needs of the elderly the homeless the immigrant and the refugee. But it shall be that in wrath and anger by death and destruction thus as so said afore I shall indeed punish this Nation most severely for all of the sins and transgressions and the crimes of this Nation in the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but this I say if this Mighty Nation turns from off  Thus saith the Holy one of Israel as I have punish the other Nations of the Earth and am punishing them I say unless thou doth turn from off  of all of thy sins crimes and of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and the breaking of my Holy Moral Laws But and if this Nation even Russia doth turn from off all disobedience of My Holy Laws and commandment and obeys them all from the heart according as so set down in My Word Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper this Nation until My Judgment day dawns but as so said if not then so shall the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation thus also as so said where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL. But and if this Nation hardens its heart and doth blind its eyes to My Word and doth stop up its ears to the warning I sent forth unto thee then of a certainty as I have foretold thou shalt be amongst the four Mighty Nations of the Earth destined to fall down unto the dust of the ground never again to rise there from and to be no more remembered upon the face of the Earth. Thus it is as said one mighty Nation is falling and there are three mighty Nations to follow this one as so set down in My Word and the Word sent forth there are four mighty Nations of the Earth that shall indeed in the end fall and thus it shall be if this Mighty Nation be amongst the four then this one shall indeed fall along with all of the other Mighty Nations of the Earth and the four that shall fall of all the Nations of the Earth they shall be the first to come before Me to be Judged on Judgment day. Thus shall the saying go out how are the mighty fallen, fallen down unto the depths of the Earth to be no more and how many of the Nations of the Earth shall follow in their wake after being thus Judged and punished in these days of wrath and anger shall at this time fall even shall it be that one third of the Nations shall be no more upon the Face of the Earth at the end of days when all the Nations of the Earth are to be Judged upon Judgment day

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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