Sunday 29 December 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation even the Holy One of Israel even all of that which is called by mankind the Universe and all that therein exist of which I created with the Word of My Mouth for I commanded and it came into being and says and it of a certainty cometh to pass even did I command from the void to come into being  the Earth and who separated the waters of the Earth into seas and oceans and did call from the depths of the oceans and seas to rise up out of the waters of the Earth and upon it did create all the herbs of and grass of the land and the forests thereof and then created I all the creatures of the Earth and commanded them to go forth and multiply and cover all the face of the Earth with their off spring and then it was that I formed from the dust of the ground the bodies of mankind both male and female and did breath into their bodies the breath of life even their living souls created in Mine own image, in Mine own image created I them both male and female as and as I created the creatures of My creation so commanded I mankind to go forth also to cover the face of the Earth with their off spring and as I commanded them so they went forth pure and holy in My sight having a beginning of days but no end thereof and did give them dominion over all of My creation and did charge them with the care of all of the creatures of the Earth even also of the garden in which I had place them and all of the forests and lands and oceans and seas of the Earth and as My will is done in the Heaven of Heavens also did mankind do My will upon the Earth until deceived by the adversary in the form of a serpent cause them to disobey the first commandment given to mankind the punishment thereof was death as so they were warned if they broke that commandment and as I so warned so I did cause their spiritual death even being cut off from the source of all life Myself but because of the promise I gave of a saviour and redeemer to come even the Messiah I did give unto them a span of physical life and thus it was that for them eternity and immortality end and the beginning of days began event the days of grace and mercy and for their sakes did the curse of death and corruption fell upon all of creation from one end of creation to the other even all of that which ye call the Universe each and every planet each and every star each and every galaxy until the end of days when Judgement days dawns and this creation is rolled up as a scroll and burned in the fires of My wrath and anger and once by Me saith the Lord it hath been destroyed along with that with which it had been cursed with from the beginning even the fall of mankind and then it shall be that as I created the old creation so shall I create the New. But as so said then the days of grace and mercy began only to end before Judgment day after all the Nations of the Earth were Judge and if found guilty mainly of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments were at the end of the days of grace and mercy even according to My Holy will and purposes as so set down in My Word in the days of wrath and anger to follow to be punished according to the verdict of their Just Judgment whereby I had Judged them of which now these days having so come upon all the Nations of the Earth even the days of wrath and anger whereby I shall as so said punish all of the Nations of the Earth one by one even all of the unrepentant Nations so Judged by Me saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the heavens and the Heaven of Heavens shall I descend upon in wrath and anger death and destruction in punishment of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments with the punishments thereof as so demanded by My Holy Laws and Commandments. Thus shall it be even at this time shall I punish this Nation for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments but not only My Holy Laws and commandments but also for the blatant breaking of all of My Most Holy Moral Laws for with the perpetrators there shall in no way escape the Just Punishment as so set down in My Word which is their Just due at My Hand even all of those of the Nation of Cuba but not only for the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments and the breaking of My Moral laws shall My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation but and also for great wickedness evil corruption and iniquity and the pollution and the destruction of the environment resulting in the multitude of the deaths of the creatures of My creation of which not only doth now affect many of mankind but shall do so more and more as time passes and the pollution of the environment increases not only in the polluting of the land and the seas and oceans of the Earth but the air that is caused by the transport infrastructures of mankind in the miss usage of the resource of Earth created in the beginning for the good and not for the destruction of the creatures My creation or of those of mankind who are and shall suffer thereby in the very near future. But this I do say as I shall punish all the Nations of the Caribbean so shall I begin to punish all the Nations of the Southern continent of the Americas in wrath and anger even according to the verdict given in the Judging of these Nation for as they have been Judged and found guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments and having been given in the days of grace and mercy the opportunity  to repent and by Faith be redeemed by the only true eternal Passover Lamb even the Messiah IMMANUEL and to escape My wrath to come upon all of mankind for the breaking thereof of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments having refused to do so the punishment now the days of wrath and anger upon Mankind is and shall be their Just due and so shall it be that I shall as afore said punish them according to the demands of My Holy Laws and commandments as so set down and revealed in My Word. Thus saith the Lord God the Holy One of Israel I who am the first and the last the Alpha and the Omega of all of creation and the Universe who am without beginning and end of days infinite in being in whom exists the Universe and all that in it exists of which now I hold in the palm of My Hand and without whom all that doth exist in all of creation even that which ye call the Universe could not exist. But say I this not only as so said shall I punish this Nation alone for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments the pollution of the environment resulting in the deaths of the creatures of My creation and the cause of the many illness of mankind and also for the breaking of My Moral Laws but not alone shall I punish this Nation for all the crimes sins and transgression set down herein but and also with the rest of the governments of the Nations of the Earth shall I punish them but also neglecting to aid those Nations that are in desperate needed their help even as they having been given by Me the resources to do so of which many Nations have wasted upon their lust and greed and high living and having but had but a passing thought for the suffering Nations of mankind even the wasting also of those resources on useless projects and research and the exploration of those regions of My Universe that reaped no reward nor benefit for the whole of mankind those scientist even who have sought to prove that I saith the Lord God did  not create the Universe and also sought thereby to prove I exist not whose end is assured when they come before Me to be Judged when the final Judgment day dawns when all of mankind are brought before Me to be Judge not only this generation but all the generations of mankind since the beginning even until the day when Judgement day finally dawns. Thus it is and shall be that as said the Nations thus far Judged and having been found guilty as so said of breaking mainly all of My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Moral Laws so shall I punish each and every Nation and especially this one at this time  by the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger with the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGMENT by Earthquakes and great storms of hurricanes and tornadoes as have never afore been seen upon the face of the Earth by the burning heat of the sun by drought and famine plague and disease by cataclysmic floods and tidal waves of the Moon refusing to give its light and turning blood red in these days of the troubles destined as so set down in My Word to come upon all the Nations of mankind at this time as so shall continue as hath been prophesied and revealed in My Word by the prophets of old not only the great disasters that have thus far struck mankind but also shall continue wars and rumours of wars and as Nations have fought Nations so shall it continue until the final Battle on the plains of Megiddo in the vale of Jezreel, for peace shall not because of the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments and Moral Laws  wickedness of mankind return to the Earth until all that hath been fulfilled and as is so set down and revealed in My Word and then the end shall come and My Judgment day dawn saith the Lord God. Thus it is that now as so said I shall continue to punish all of the Nations as so set down and revealed in My Word and according to My Holy Will and purposes as is so revealed and set down in My Word and as My Just Judgement and the Punishing of the Nations began at Mine own House and upon Mine own People so shall it end as is revealed in My Word  but before that cometh to pass so shall it be that punishment shall befall all of those who profess to be of Me and to bear My Holy Name who know not Me nor are Known by Me who believe not in the only true Messiah and eternal Passover Lamb IMMANUEL but in false Messiah’s and false prophets even workers of iniquity who seek to deceive the unwary and make them twice the children of the bottomless pit/hell and followers of the great deceiver the Adversary who goes about like and roaring lion seeking whom he may devour even those who seemingly are righteous and holy on the outside before all of mankind yet on the inside are but as I saith the Lord God said afore many a time full of dead men’s bones empty whitened sepulchres who teach false faiths  and believe in false Messiahs and prophets who teach false faiths by tearing certain teachings out of context seeking to prove that what they teach is the true faith but is a lie who use My Word for profit gain and power whose reward is Just and upon Judgment day that is not long off shall upon being found guilty be given their Just reward even cast by the Angel of death into the deepest depths of the bottomless pit and into the lake of the fires of eternal torment forever. But this say I if this Nation even Cuba doth turn from off all disobedience of My Holy Laws and commandment and obeys them all from the heart according as so set down in My Word Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper this Nation until My Judgment day dawns but as so said if not then so shall the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation thus also as so said where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL. Thus it shall be when the punishing of the Nations hath ended then shall the end of days and the beginning of My Judgment day dawn when all of mankind the quick and the dead shall saith the Holy One of Israel and the  Messiah IMMANUEL  be brought before Me to be Judged.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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