Tuesday 1 October 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and all that is set therein and the Heaven of Heavens My Kingdom of all of creation even the Universe and all that in it is even the Earth Moon Sun and the Stars but especially Earth and all that exist thereon even mankind and all the creatures of My creation and upon which all thing are being Worked out according to MY WILL AND PURPOSES even as so set down and revealed in My Word especially even at this time of the Last days and coming of the end of this creation and once Judgment day ends so shall the old creation as shall begin the New Creation in which death and the grave shall exist not nor shall any evil or wickedness or corruption or immorality or the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments for My Will shall be done in all of the New creation as it is done in the Heaven of Heavens for it shall be in Judgment on Judgment upon day after being found guilty of all sins crimes and the transgressions of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of great wickedness immorality andd corruption and all manner of iniquity and evil that all the unrepentant and fallen wicked of the Earth even all of those who have broken any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and the Adversary and his followers shall have been cast down into the bottomless pit and sheol called by the Nations of mankind Hell of which as afore said doth fall far short of in the description thereof that which is the true reality of that place of Punishment which is the Bottomless pit wherein as so said all the fallen of mankind and the Adversary and his followers shall have been cast therein to dwell forever and all of those who have repented of all of their sins crimes and transgressions not only of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but of original sin committed by Adam and Eve and therefore inherited by all of their descendants having been forgiven and have been by Faith washed clean in the blood of the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL and by Him redeemed and shall have been resurrected unto everlasting life and ascended into the Heaven of Heavens even My Eternal Kingdom the Kingdom of Heaven then it is that the New creations shall begin and the Sun Moon and Stars and the Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens shall be as they were before mankind fell but More so for the Heavenly Jerusalem along with Hosts of Heaven and the redeemed of the Lamb shall descend to the New Earth and they shall go forth at My command and multiply and cover the whole of creation as the waters cover the sea. But as afore said in these last days even the day of troubles prophesied to descend upon all of mankind in the Last days before My Judgment day dawns and the days of the Judging of the Nation have been fulfilled then it is so that the punishing of the Nations should begin and not end till all the Nations having been Judged shall be punished even as is so set down in and revealed in My Word and that these days of punishment that shall soon begin shall not end until each and every Nation thus Judged have been punished even as so demanded by My Holy Laws and Commandments and as so said so I repeat unless as so revealed these days even the last days now come about upon the Earth had been by Me shortened no flesh shall be saved and as so revealed so hath and is it being fulfilled even as so set down in My Word. But still there is for the Nations still these days of grace and mercy wherein any who will can repent and be redeemed by faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL for as so said until all the Nations of the Earth have been Judged these days of grace and mercy shall remain and end only when the last of mankind’s Nations hath been Judged shall the days of the punishing of the Nations thus Judged by Me saith the Holy One of Israel begin which is at the door ready to enter in and once begun then shall the days of wrath and anger begin wherein all the unrepentant Nations shall feel the full fury of the fires of My all consuming wrath and anger full measure descend upon them causing them to from of the face of the Earth for as said and so revealed in My Word once the days of wrath and anger in the punishing of the unrepentant Nations have ended only a remnant shall remain. But one thing I shall put before mankind I repeat that the point of no return for the recovery of the Earths environment the devastation and destruction of which hath been caused by Mankind hath been passed and that no matter what mankind does now will not stop the inevitable coming to pass the only thing mankind now can do now is to slow it down and delay its inevitable cataclysmic destruction coming to pass not halt it. Thus though as so said I shall Judge Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and if found guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of great wickedness immorality and corruption and of neglecting of their governments responsibility to meet the needs of the needy of their Nation even the sick the disabled the elderly the widow and the orphan and the terminally ill of the destitute and the poverty stricken and the caring for and protection of the young the very young the weak and the vulnerable against those who would harm abuse injure or even murder them and if also I find these Island guilty of the pollution and the destruction of their environment that hath and doth cause the unnecessary cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation then it is that I shall punish these Islands in wrath and anger with IRON ROD of My Just Judgement by great storms hurricanes tornadoes Earthquakes tidal waves and tsunamis by volcanic activity and floods followed by drought and famine plague and pestilences and uncontrollable diseases but as so said in these days of grace and mercy if all the Islands of Saint Vincent’s and the Grenadines repent seeking for forgiveness of all sins crimes and transgression and if on being forgiven by Me are by faith in the eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL redeemed then instead of wrath and anger death and destruction showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place prepared for all who do repent in My Kingdom at life’s end forever and ever but even as so said to others so say also to these Islands NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVENESS NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REDEMTION NO SALVATION AND ONLY IN JUDGMENT A LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING JUDGED CONDEMNED AND CAST BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH INTO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT FOREVER.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

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