Wednesday 2 October 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God creator of all that is was and ever shall be even that which I now hold in the palm of My Hand the Universe and all that exists therein especially the Earth and all that lives and moves and hath their being there on even all the creatures of My creation and Mankind created in Mine own image and given the responsibility of caring for and protecting all of My creation and they being the chief of My creation I saith the Lord God said unto them have dominion over all of the creatures of My creation and when they fell they being the chief of My creation and having dominion over all of the creatures and the environment thereof brought upon it the curse of death of which hath remained until this day and at this time but say I shall end with the destruction of the old creation and shall not exist in the New after that is mankind hath been Judged and the wicked separated from the righteous the sheep from the goats and the wheat from the chaff, the chaff even all the disobedient unrighteous and wicked of the Earth Like chaff made ready for to be cast into the fires of everlasting torment that exist in the bottomless pit and the wheat being the redeemed of the only true Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL made ready to ascend into the Kingdom of the Heaven of Heavens even My Eternal Kingdom and into the Heavenly Jerusalem of which in the New Heavens and New Earth shall descend from the Heaven of Heavens even My eternal Kingdom unto to the Earth whereon now stands My Holy City. But before that comes to pass as so said afore in these last days the day of troubles foretold to come upon the Earth before the day of Judgment and the end of days where time ends and where eternity for all of My New creation shall begin for as My Heavenly Kingdom is an everlasting and eternal Kingdom so shall My Kingdom upon the Earth be an everlasting Kingdom. Thus shall soon begin as afore said many at time the the punishing of the unrepentant wicked rebellious and disobedient Nations of the Earth shall begin yea even now is at the door ready to enter in and shall not cease until all the nations of the Earth Judged by Me saith the Holy One of Israel even ADONAI ELOHEI TZVA’OT have been punished and made ready to be upon Judgment day cast into the eternal flames of the fires of the bottomless pit from which there is no escape or reprieve where the worm dies not nor the fires of torment go not out. Thus as said but a few remaining Nations are to be Judged and then endeth the days of grace and mercy and the days of the punishing of the begin wherein the heavens will be as brass to the prayer please and petitions of mankind even as the ears of mankind have been deaf to My Words of warning of the days now befallen mankind the signs of which are now seen throughout all of the Earth even of the disasters now striking the Nations of the Earth which are indeed but a forewarning of that which is to come upon mankind once the days of grace and mercy have ended thus it is and thus it shall be that all that hath been fulfilled and is being fulfilled as concerning these days even the end times or as My Word sets it down the end of days. Thus it is that now that ST Vincent and the Grenadines have been Judged and found guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of great wickedness immorality corruption and iniquity so shall they be punished along with all the Nations of the Earth but as so said in My Word that at Judgment day the first shall be last and the last first so shall it be in the coming days of the punishing of the Nations thus Judged by Me the first indeed shall be the last Nation to be punish and the last Nation Judged shall be the first to be punished even according to My Holy Word Laws and Commandments, but as afore said in My Word Judgement shall begin at Mine own House so shall it be the punishing of the Nations Judged by Me shall begin at Mine own House and upon Mine own people if after being Judged by My Holy Laws and Commandments and found guilty of not only the breaking of them but and also guilty of the breaking of My Holy covenant made in Sinai at the foot of My Holy Mount by the hand of Mosher shall indeed be the first to feel the full out pouring of My wrath and anger with the IRON ROD of My Just Judgment. Thus unless this Nation and Islands repent then it shall be as with all the Nations thus by Me Judged and unrepentant in wrath and anger shall I strike the Nations by great cataclysmic storm Earthquakes tidal wave tsunamis tornadoes hurricanes and flood far more destructive than the ones now befalling the Nations of the Earth also volcanic activity in many places and Nations and the shall follow the increased burning heat of the Sun bearing down upon the Earth making it barren and desert like bring about drought and famine plagues disease and pestilence. Thus as afore said these Nations and Islands by Me shall be punished having been Judged and found guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments but not only shall I punish these Nations for their sins transgressions in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments but and also shall I punish the government of these Island Nation if found to have neglected in their responsibility of meeting the needs of the needy of their Nation of the sick lame disabled terminally ill the widow the orphan the destitute and poverty stricken the homeless the outcast and the refugee seeking shelter from persecution and civil war but more if failing to care for and protect the young the very young and the vulnerable from those who would harm and abuse or even murder them if these and the other Nations be found guilty of so failing in their responsibility then in Judgment by Me shall they not be held guiltless. Thus as so said it these Island Nations repent not then of a surety as night follows day so shall punishment follow grace and mercy but and if repentance is forth coming then instead of wrath and anger death and destruction showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place prepared for all who do repent and are redeemed by Faith in the only true Passover Lamb and Messiah in these days of grace and mercy  at life’s end  in My Kingdom forever and ever but even as so said to others I saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens so say I also to these Islands NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVENESS NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REDEMTION NO SALVATION AND ONLY IN JUDGMENT A LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING JUDGED CONDEMNED AND CAST BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH INTO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT FOREVER

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

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