Friday 20 September 2019


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation even the Universe and all that in it is. Why or how is it that those opposed to the actions of the British Prime Minister; in as far as Brexit is concerned which in the main are those seeking to remain in the EU; in seeking to secure a viable Brexit deal with the EU or without a deal to leave on the thirty first of October not just come out into the open and state that no matter what they will use any and all means at their disposal possible to stop Brexit happening come what may as they are now so doing in taking any action legal and  political they can to stop Brexit altogether not caring one wit about the will of the British People in voting to leave the EU with or without a viable Brexit deal. Thus in as far as the Political remainers side of the Brexit argument or division are concerned all of those on the side of staying in the EU even if the Prime Minister came back with a viable Brexit deal with would vote it down just to get their own way in seeking to remain in the EU and stop Brexit altogether. Thus it is that those opposed to Brexit should instead of hiding behind their false claim of seeking to secure a viable deal with the EU in as far as Brexit is concerned come out into the open and declare unequivocally what their real aims and ambitions for Brexit in the end are. But if they are truly and honestly seeking a viable Brexit deal should equally declare openly what sort of Brexit deal with the EU would be acceptable to the whole of Parliament that also could and would be acceptable to all of the Parliamentary Political Parties. Though there is one Political Part that has come out into the open and declared its willingness to defy the will of the British Public revealed in the referendum vote and revoke article fifty and stop Brexit altogether if they were elected to Govern the UK which would in fact be contrary to and in breach of the British democratic constitution and in breach of the referendum  act of Parliament that gave the British people the right to vote to stay in or leave the EU and the result thereof legal and binding and having no terms and conditions attached made Parliament and the Government Legally obligated  enact the will of the British public of which thus far Parliament and the government have miserably and disgracefully failed to do and it should be that the British Public should force Parliament and the Government to fulfil the result of the referendum vote. But enough said as said afore the Brexit I have ordained for both the EU and the UK to get as afore said not one person or union on either side of the Brexit argument will want of like that which I have ordain to be given to all both EU and UK a Brexit no one wants but all deserves and as I have ordained so shall it soon come to pass.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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