Thursday 19 September 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation even the Holy One of Israel who speaks and it comes to pass commands and it is so who worked out His Holy Will and purposes throughout all of creation to the Glory of His Holy Name thus now approaches saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven the end of the days of grace and mercy and the beginning of the days of the punishing of the Nations thus by Me Judged and found guilty of the breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments I it is who indeed doth Hold in the Palm of Mu Hand the Universe and all that in it exist the all the stars and the planets and galaxies and the wonders thereof set by Me in the firmament thereof even the Sun Moon and the Earth upon which I created all the creatures thereof but and especially did I created out of the dust to the glory of My Holy Name mankind the chief of My creation pure holy upright immortal and perfect in My sight of whom I did place them in My garden to tend and care for and whom I did visit in the cool of the day and converse with until they succumbed to the wiles and lies of the adversary in the form of a serpent causing them to disobey My first commandment the consequences of which ere the casting out of the Garden of Eden the curse of death and corruption upon the whole of creation and the beginning of time of which now is soon to come to an end for these indeed are the Last days before the end of Days and the beginning of the Judging of the whole of mankind the beginning of which hath only recently began even that which is set down and foretold in My Word as the day of troubles that shall descend upon all of mankind at this time. Thus as so said afore and shall again repeat that the day approaches that I saith the Lord God shall rule all Nations with the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGMENT and shall there with strike down with it those Nation who do break any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments with the all consuming fires of my Wrath and anger in the day that they do so and the punishment thereof shall be even as demanded by My Holy Laws and Commandments even as so set down and revealed in My Most Holy Word and as so set down upon the tablets of stone gave I unto Israel at Mount Horeb of which now resides in the ARK of the Covenant I made with My People hidden until the time of the restoration of the House to Holy My Name in My Holy City in the Land of Promise I gave unto Abraham and his descendants forever and of which shall never ever belong to any other land tribe people or Nation and whom so even seeks to take My Land away from My People I shall take their land from them and cast them down unto the dust of the ground so much so that all remembrance of them shall disappear for the Face of the Earth forever. Thus as I have so said so shall I do and shall not hold back My wrath and anger from such. Thus it is now there are but a few Nations to be judged before the end of the days of My grace and mercy saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel and the beginning of the punishing of the Nations one by one begin even no more than a score. Thus then shall the punishing of the Nation beginning as so said at My House and Land and people and from thence the four Mighty Nations of the Earth shall be Judged and if found wanting shall be cast forthwith down unto the dust of the ground by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement according to My Holy Laws and Commandments and the punishment for the breaking thereof as so demanded by My Holy Laws and Commandments unto perfection shall be applied. But as so said these two Nations shall I Judge at this time even Equatorial Guinea and Gabon and shall search them both out unto perfection to see if any there are in these two Nations that are Holy and Righteous in My sight and if these two Nations upon being Judged are found to be guilty of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and also guilty of great wickedness immorality iniquity and corruption and if found guilty I shall in wrath and anger strike these two once the days of grace and mercy have ended with the Iron Rod of My Just Judgment in the full fury of My wrath and anger as so shall I do unto the Nations already Judged and those yet to be Judged if they reaming unrepentant of which these days I gave unto the Nations Of mankind so that they could if they will  repent of all of their breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Moral Laws and of great wickedness corruption immorality and iniquity seeking to be forgiven by Me of all crimes transgressions and sins and upon being forgiven being redeemed by Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL and thus in Him becoming Holy Righteous and Pure in My sight and being resurrected in Him unto eternal life and at the end of physical life ascending into My Heavenly Kingdom forever at My right hand.. But of a surety if these Nations thus Judged at this time repent not the I shall in wrath and anger punish them at the end of the days of grace and mercy with whirlwind and fire by Earthquakes and devastating storms tornadoes hurricanes floods and cyclones of such magnitude as never afore seen upon the face of the Earth followed by drought and famine and the increased heat of the sun bearing down upon the Earth so that in the end nought shall be able to grow therein also of plagues and pestilences and diseases beyond the control of mankind to contain or stop them. But Not only shall i punish these Nations and the Nations of the Earth for the crimes transgression and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments set down herein by also shall I punish mankind more so now for the pollution and devastation of the environment that on a daily basis has escalated the number the creatures of My creation suffering cruel injuries and death and therefore for the crimes of the pollution and devastation that hath cause the deaths and injuries of the creatures of My creation i shall pour forth upon the Nation Most guilty of doing so the full fury of the all consuming fires of my wrath and anger to descend and shall not cease until mankind takes drastic positive action in brining to an end the devastating pollution cause by not Just one Nation but all the Nations of the Earth. Thus it shall be as I have so said in the Judging of these Nation if I find them guilty of the breaking mainly of all of My holy Laws and Commandments.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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