Monday 6 April 2020


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel even the Lord God creator of all that is was and ever shall even all of creation so named by mankind the Universe even of which I hold in the palm of My hand and all that therein exists therein created by the breath of My Mouth for I commanded it to come into existence and it was so even as I so created the Earth at the centre thereof upon which I from the dust of the ground brought into being mankind and the creatures that live and move and have their being in Me and breath into them the breath of life even the soul of mankind and they became living beings their souls having by Me created in My image thus it is that as the creatures of My creation and especially mankind live and have their being in Me upon the surface thereof for it is that without Me nothing that doth exist could exist saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens. Thus as so said in My Word flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven for mankind’s body did I create from the dust of the ground and unto the dust of the ground upon passing from Earthy life shall return thereunto and their souls shall go on to await being brought before Me in Judgement when Judgment day dawns at the end of days saith the Lord God which in effect means that when any of mankind  passes at the end of their life from upon the Earth only their souls not their bodies pass on to the next life for as it is so set down in My Word at the beginning of creation when I created mankind I created their bodies from out of the dust of the ground and as so said breathed their bodies the  breath of life even their living souls as so said created in Mine own image I so do unto this day their bodies created in the womb and at birth I breath into their bodies the breath of life even their living souls and shall do so unto the end of days when Judgment day dawns and the old creation is by Me rolled up as a scroll and cast into the fires of destruction and by the breath of My mouth bring I into being the new heavens and the New Earth. Thus as so said afore when Judgment day dawns at the end of days all of mankind shall come before Me in Judgment to be Judged and have to answer for all of their lives upon the Earth mankind therefore is not Just as the creatures of My creation for they all come from Me and art then end of their lives return unto Me not so mankind for as so said I created mankind in Mine own image and from out of the dust of the ground their bodies and breath into their bodies their immortal living souls all of mankind are spiritual immortal living souls and when passing from this Earth cast of their bodies of which returns to the dust of the ground. Thus it is as said when I created mankind and the creatures of My creation I created them all with the ability to procreate so that they at My command could go forth and multiply and cover the surface of the Earth with their off spring to the glory of My Holy Name though the creatures of My creation are not as mankind for they go out from Me and are born upon the surface of the Earth and when at the of their lives their bodies return to the dust of the ground and their spirit of soul returns directly unto Me they are born innocent and return unto Me innocent of all crimes transgression and the sins of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments for the curse of the fall fell on their bodies as  is so with mankind when passing from this Earth return to dust and that is when they as it were part company one back unto Me and the other unto Judgment and then either onto the bottomless pit of the Kingdom of Heaven the unrepentant of mankind to the bottomless pit and the repentant redeemed of the Lamb to the Kingdom of Heaven even My Kingdom saith the Lord God to dwell forever before My throne and at My right hand. Thus as afore said when a new body in created in the womb by the coming together of the male and the female at birth I breath into every new born baby the breath of life all are born My sons and daughters though fallen and cut off from Me at birth and as such they all become living souls spiritual immortal living beings that shall never pass from existence thus the necessity of creating the bottomless pit for all those wicked disobedient souls of mankind who break all of My Holy Laws and Commandments for as their bodies pass from existence their souls cannot for as all are created in Mine own image though fallen corrupt and wicked I cannot cause them to cease to exist for as a father cannot kill a wicked evil corrupt child no matter what they have done neither can I cause any soul I have created to cease to exist completely only can I banish them to the bottomless pit unless they repent and turn unto Me through the Messiah IMMANUEL and as physical death is the end of physical life so the casting into the bottomless is a cutting off from the source of all spiritual life of which I am saith the Lord God Am and as said that flesh and blood cannot inherit My Kingdom neither can flesh and blood be cast into the bottomless pit those who are of Me by Faith in the Messiah IMMANUEL do inherit My Kingdom and are as so said by the Messiah IMMANUEL given a new spiritual body like unto the Messiahs become like unto the Heavenly Angels but those cast into the bottomless pit are given no body but are souls destined to exist in the bottomless pit for ever with the adversary and his followers who fell from their first estate for as the Adversary hath no physical body neither shall they their physical bodies having returned unto the dust of the ground. Thus it is that there is nothing of the Earth that can pass from this life into the next no not one iota at the end of life on Earth in the passing thereof all must and shall be left behind. But those cast into the bottomless pit can see My Heavenly Kingdom and all that transpires upon the Earth but as said there being a great gulf fixed cannot passed over from the bottomless pit to the Earth for once cast therein there is no return and no reprieve forever. Thus it is that as so said having Judged this Nation and found them Guilty of Breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments I am purposed in these days of wrath and anger to punish them with the all consuming fires of My Wrath and Anger not only for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but for great wickedness immorality corruption the pollution and destruction of the environment and the pollution of the seas and oceans that hath and is causing the deaths of a multitude of the creatures of my creation of land sea and air and especially by the cruel treatment and slaughter thereof by many Nations including this Nation VIETNAM thus Judged and as so said found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law. Thus it is I shall punish this Nation and their Government for failing to meet the needs of the poor down trodden needy of this  Nations in the failing of to provide adequate care for the sick and the lame and the disabled the elderly the outcast the orphan the poverty stricken and destitute providing shelter for the homeless and protection for the innocent and the young of their Nations from all who would harm or abuse them in any way whatsoever for all of these sins crimes and transgression and the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Moral Law by the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger unto perfection I shall punish this Nation VIETNAM by whirlwind and fire by tornado and hurricanes by great storms tidal waves and tsunamis  and by Earthquakes, floods and volcanic activity also by increased heat of the sun drying out the land so much so that it shall cause drought and famine, plague and pestilence and unstoppable diseases. But in as far as the punishment of this Nation even VIETNAM and as so said unto all the Nations of the Earth thus Judged and all of those due to be punished by Me so say I to this Nation and again unto all the Nations of the Earth if  they all turn; as afore said; from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandments and My Moral Law and from all wickedness immorality corruption and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I withhold My wrath and anger and instead  bless protect and prosper this and all the Nations of the Earth Especially ISRAEL that do so as they have never afore been blessed or prospered in all that they do and shall surrounded them around about with My presence protecting them from all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but if not then so shall I as said with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation and the rest of the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, even ADONAI ELOHIM ELOHIE TZVA’OT AM the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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