Wednesday 8 April 2020


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith Adonai Elohim Tzva'ot Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens and even the only true eternal Passover Lamb whose shed blood alone by Faith cleanses from all sins transgressions and the crimes of Breaking of any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments even those committed in the breaking of My Most Holy Moral Law. Thus it is as I have Judged and shall punish all the Nations of the Earth thus Judged by Me and found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments so have I also Judged and shall as so set down in My Word punish this Nation as so demanded by My Holy Law and Commandments set and written down not only on paper but upon tablets of stone and upon the fleshy hearts of mankind of which mankind calls their conscience as I so shall Judge all the Nations of Earth and like unto those already Judged and facing the out pouring of My wrath and anger upon them for all of their sins transgression great wickedness immorality corruption the neglecting of the need of their Nations the sick the lame the elderly the poor and down trodden the orphan the homeless and the widow especial by the governments of their Nations who from the least to the greatest are guilty of all manner of wickedness corruption and immorality that in as far as the Governments of the Earth are concerned all their hidden secrets sins crimes and transgression even all that which is hidden in the dark reassesses of their hearts hidden until now shall even at this time not remain hidden but shall be brought out into the light and I speak not only of the Government of this Nation alone but of all the central governments of the Nations of the Earth and also of the local governments of the Nations of which are in many cases more guilty of great wickedness corruption immorality and of the miss use of public funds and assets as are the central Governments of the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is as so said afore many Nation and local governments at expense of the people of their Nation feather their own nest while many of the people of their Nations are suffer hardship, destitution, poverty and the lack of adequate medical care as so said I their crimes not only in as far as those committed in the breaking of all of my Holy Laws and commandments shall be brought out into the light truth to be revealed unto all but also the crimes committed by central and local governments committed against the people of their Nation and if any have even the slightest thought of  escaping My Wrath and anger being poured out upon the guilt thereof are but deluding themselves and should think again for when all the hidden things of darkness are been brought as they as so said they shall into the light and those who have committed great wickedness not only in the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments but of those crimes sins and transgressions set down herein committed against the people of their Nation revealed then it is that the terrible swift sharp sword of My all consuming wrath and anger shall indeed by the striking thereof punish those found guilty even down unto the dust of the ground they shall become as chaff ready for the burning and cast into the Lake of the fires of everlasting torment the flames of which go not out forever that exists in the bottomless pit. But and it is as said I shall punish this Nation MLAYSIA for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments and for the breaking of all of My Most Holy Moral Laws but not only shall they be punished for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments but more so shall I punish this Nations as I shall all the Nations of the Earth found guilty of pollution the environment that hath and is causing countless deaths of the creatures of land sea and the air of the Earth much more than those estimated by mankind; for I see and know what they cannot for as so said I AM everywhere at once and from Me nothing is and can remain hidden that is hidden;  to have perished through the wicked careless actions of mankind in the disposal of their waste into the seas and oceans thereof thus as afore so said that especially at this time  the seas and ocean are on the brink of a cataclysmic event that in the very near future will see the oceans creatures decline to such a degree that the seas will no longer provide the bounty they have and to certain extent still do. Thus saith the Lord God of Host as I Judged and shall punish all the Nations of the Earth in these last days and the beginning of the End of Days so shall all that is set down and revealed in all of My Holy Word Law and the Prophets past and present come to pass and be fulfilled unto perfect as I have in all eternity and as so said ordained it so to be but as also said for all of My Peoples sake and all of those who belong unto Me by Faith in the Messiah even the redeemed of the of the only true eternal Passover Lamb IMMANUEL even all of those of mankind who by faith in the Messiah do My Will as is done in the Heaven of Heavens shall these days be shortened and at the end thereof shall Judgment at the end of days enter in when I shall cause all of mankind to come before Me to  be individually Judged saith the Lord God in the same instant at the same time shall all of those found guilty of all sins crimes and transgression in the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments and moral laws shall be cast into the bottomless pit for all eternity as so shall all those who by faith having been redeemed by the only true Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL enter into My Heavenly Kingdom before My Throne having in their hearts peace beyond all understanding infinite  peace blessing happiness and everlasting life for all eternity in My presence and then it is that the old heavens and Earth shall be rolled up as a corrupt scroll is rolled up and cast into the fire and the new creation shall be like unto the unrolling of a new scroll shall be written thereon the beginning of the new creation of a New perfect heavens and perfect Earth where death destruct decay unhappiness war famine drought hath no place and as is written in My Word the lion shall indeed lay down with the lamb and at child shall play safely with all the creatures of the New creation of which the Earth shall indeed be world without end eternal in the Heavens. But in as far as the punishment of this Nation even MALAYSIA and as so said unto all the Nations of the Earth thus Judged and all of those due to be punished by Me so say I to this Nation and again unto all the Nations of the Earth if  they all turn; as afore said; from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandments and My Moral Law and from all wickedness immorality corruption and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I withhold My wrath and anger and instead  bless protect and prosper this and all the Nations of the Earth Especially ISRAEL that do so as they have never afore been blessed or prospered in all that they do and shall surrounded them around about with My presence protecting them from all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but if not then so shall I as said with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation and the rest of the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, even ADONAI ELOHIM ELOHIE TZVA’OT AM the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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