Sunday 26 April 2020


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Hosts even of the Hosts of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens creator of all that is was and ever shall be even according to My will and purposes as so set down in all eternity I who hold the Universe in the palm of My Hand and without whom nothing can exist that doth exist especially the Earth and all that lives moves and hath their being thereon even all the creatures and mankind created from the dust of the ground and unto the dust of the ground they shall return never more to be seen upon the Face of Earth. Thus it is and shall be in these Last Days and the End of days to come that My wrath and anger shall indeed be poured forth upon all the wicked of the Earth until Judgment day when all shall come before Me to be Judged those who are righteous having by Faith been redeemed through being cleansed and made pure and Holy in My sight through the blood of the eternal Passover Lamb the saviour redeemer of the Holy People even Israel and all of mankind and the only true Messiah IMMANUEL and when I say all I mean all the quick those alive when Judgment day dawns and all of those who have passed from the face of the Earth since the beginning of time of whom I shall call forth from their graves to stand before Me and be Judged and if having been redeemed by Faith in the only true Messiah shall ascend into My Kingdom of Heaven and those who have not been redeemed shall be having been found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of great wickedness immorality and corruption and all manner of sins trespasses and the crimes in all of their lives when upon Earth shall be by the Angel of Death headlong into the bottomless pit wherein is the lake of the fires of everlasting torment. Thus from this time forth until the final day of the end of days and when Judgment day dawns now that the days of wrath and anger in the punishing of the Nations have begun and the days of grace even My Loving Kindness towards mankind and mercy in the Judging thereof having ended as I warned in all of My Holy Word Law and the prophets so hath and so shall all come to pass upon the Earth as so set down in as so said My Word My Holy Law and the prophets past and present even the punishing of all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth one by one as is witnessed by the signs set down in all the Earth and in the heavens as hath so been seen by many upon the face of the Earth even the signs of the coming of My wrath and anger to be poured forth upon all the unrepentant and all the wicked corrupt immoral and iniquitous breakers of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments first of the House of Israel My people and then of all of those of the Nations of mankind having been Judged and found guilty of the breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments even the full fury of My wrath and anger. Thus having warned the Israel and Nations of these days to come upon the Earth from the time mankind was cast forth from Eden’s Garden until the present and having been given by Faith in the promised Messiah the Means of escaping My wrath and anger now come upon the Earth and hence forth on Judgement day having not heeded the warnings sent forth and remained unrepentant and guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments and unrepentant of their wicked immoral corrupt and iniquitous ways and practices their own blood shall be upon their own head and shall have but themselves to blame when in Judgement upon Judgment day are found guilty of all the crimes sins and transgressions committed in all of their lives especially inherited original sin and are by Me sentenced to be cast by the Angel of death into the bottomless pit and the lake of the fires of everlasting torment. But as the unrepentant shall be upon Judgment day be cast into the bottomless pit so shall all of those who have repented and by the only true eternal Passover Lambs shed blood by faith been forgiven and cleansed of all sins crimes and the transgressions of breaking My Holy Law and Commandment but and especially of inherited original sin even He who is the only true Messiah IMMANUEL and thus becoming the redeemed of the Lamb shall ascend as did the Messiah into the Kingdom of Heaven therein to dwell forever. But it is that if I had not warned mankind of My wrath and anger in the Judging and the punishing of the Nations and of the Judgment to come then mankind would have had an excuse before Me when Judged but because I have warned all of mankind of that which is to come then all of the unrepentant of mankind shall have no excuse whatsoever when come before Me to be Judged upon Judgement but as so se down in My Word all of mankind are appointed once upon the Earth to die and then come before Me on Judgment day this being the second death the FIRST DEATH being when MANKIND WAS CUT OFF FROM ME WHO AM THE SOURCE OF ALL LIFE and cast out of Eden’s Garden . Thus as afore said the days of Loving Kindness and mercy given have ended and the days of the punishing of the Nations thus began of which shall continue until the last great battle when all the Nations shall come up as is so set down in My Word to come up against Me and My People Israel and when all Host of Heaven shall come to the defence of the Holy people Israel he Captain of the My Hosts saith the Lord leading them and as so set down all who shall come up against Me and My People shall be upon the battle field defeated when the blood thereof shed shall come up even unto the hooves of horses and upon being defeated the remaining Nations of the Earth shall be requited once a year to come up unto Jerusalem to worship and keep the feast of Tabernacles and upon those who refuse so to do shall provoke My wrath and anger to such a degree that I shall rain down upon their heads death and destruction.  But as so said and set down as I have Judged this Island Nation even THE MARSHAL ISLANDS I shall in wrath and anger now that the days of grace and mercy have ended and the days of wrath and anger befallen the Nations of the Earth so shall I in wrath and anger punish this Nation  as I have punished and shall punish all the Nations thus Judged by Me even according to My Holy Laws and Commandments they having refused in the days of grace and mercy to repent and by Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb be redeemed and made pure and holy in My sight through the righteousness of the Messiah IMMANUEL for the righteousness of mankind is but as filthy rags full of all wickedness corruption immorality and iniquity. But not alone shall this Nation  be punished for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws but for all manner of wickedness corruption immorality and iniquity in wrath and anger by Earth quake and great storms hurricanes and tornados of volcanic eruption of floods and tidal waves of whirlwinds and fire followed by the increased heat of the sun bearing down upon the land so that it becomes as hard as rock unable to bring forth crops or vegetation resulting in great famines plagues and pestilence and diseases so virulent that none shall be able to contain or halt them thus also shall I punish the Governments of these Nations having by Me found guilty in the failing of their duty and responsibility given when elect to government by the people and also by Me to meet the needs of the needy of this their people no matter who they be even of the sick the terminally ill of the blind deaf and dumb of the widow and the orphan of the Homeless and the destitute and poverty stricken especially in failing to provide adequate care and protect for their young very young and vulnerable from those who would harm abuse of even kill them and also the refugees seeking refuge from persecution civil war and starvation for it is the duty and responsibility given by Me saith the Lord God of Host of those Nations and lands and peoples who have plenty to meet the needs of the needy and of those who have nothing and those who fail in the meeting of their God given duty and responsibility shall have their plenty taken away from them by Me and given to those who have nothing and then shall I in wrath and anger punish them even down unto the dust of the ground. But in as far as the punishment of this Nation even THE MARSHAL ISLANDS and as so said unto all the Nations of the Earth thus Judged and all of those due to be punished by Me so say I to this Nation and again unto all the Nations of the Earth if  they all turn; as afore said; from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandments and My Moral Law and from all wickedness immorality corruption and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I withhold My wrath and anger and instead  bless protect and prosper this and all the Nations of the Earth Especially ISRAEL that do so as they have never afore been blessed or prospered in all that they do and shall surrounded them around about with My presence protecting them from all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but if not then so shall I as said with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation and the rest of the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, even ADONAI ELOHIM TZVA’OT AM the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL.

This is the Word of The Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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