Tuesday 3 March 2020


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

Thus saith the Lord God of Hosts creator of all that is was and ever shall be even the Heavens and all that exists therein and of the Heaven of Heavens unto thee at this time as concerning the plight of the Syrian refugees on the Turkish Syrian border and on the Greek Turkish boarder the Nation not only of Turkey and Greece but all of the international community hath provoked the whirlwind of My Hot displeasure so much so that indeed upon all the Nation guilty of the mass slaughter of innocent civilians in all of Syria whether they be the perpetrators of the mass slaughter of innocent civilians or party to the crime through inaction using the excuse that if the Nations got involved in the Syrian conflict would escalate into a major Middle Eastern conflict from which the Nations involved could not extricate themselves from fearing the deaths not only of many more civilians but of many deaths of their armed forces resulting there from of which was a groundless fear. What the international community really feared was that Russia would retaliate if the international community interfered in the Syrian conflict to such an extent that a major world conflict would ensue the problem with that is if that did happen not only would the international community suffer but also Russia in other Words neither Russia because of the weaponry available to each side in such a conflict nor the international community or NATO could ever allow such a conflict to happen both side thereof of necessity draw back from the brink of such a conflict in other words Russia would have to come to an agreement with the international community to either withdraw its assistance to the Syrian regime of force the Syrian regime to cease attacking and slaughtering its own civilians either way whether or not this conflict ends now or not both the international community of Nations; in as far as its refusal to force an end to the conflict; and the Syrian regime along with Russia are in My sight as thou would put it guilt in the first degree of war crimes against the Syrian People and therefore should and shall as having provoked the whirlwind of My Hot fierce displeasure suffer the full out pouring of My wrath and anger at this time and as I have so said so shall I do the whole of the Nations directly or indirectly; meaning refusing to force an end to it resulting in the mass slaughter of innocent civilians; involved in this conflict thus for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments have I as Judged punished many Nations of the Earth but now it is that I shall increase the out pouring of My wrath and anger upon the Nations guilty of these war crimes either by action or inaction tenfold unless this conflict is brought to an end and all the civilian population force to flee are repatriated. Thus as afore set forth so shall I repeat that as Judged I have thus far punished and shall punish all of the Americas both North and South and even all of the Islands of the Caribbean, of the African Nations both North Africa and the whole of the African continent and the Middle East and am thus as Judged set to punish as hath thus began so to do all the Nations of Europe and shall indeed as Judged and found guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments am as demanded by My Holy Laws and commandments purposed to punish all the Nations of Europe in wrath and anger death and destruction not only for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments but for all manner of wickedness evil immorality corruption and iniquity and because of the pollution and devastation of the environment in all of the European continent that hath resulted in the cruel deaths and injuries of the creatures of My creation caused by all of the Nations of Europe and having Judged and warned of My wrath and anger that should befall all the Nations of Europe if they did not cease their polluting of the environment that hath caused the; as said; cruel deaths and injuries of the creatures of My creation that of a certainty I would pour out upon the guilty thereof the full fury of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger and thus as the Nations of Europe have neglected to take immediate robust efforts in the reduction of the pollution and devastation of the environment now it is that upon all the Nations of Europe that My wrath and anger hath begun to descend as so set down by Earthquake whirlwind and fire by hurricanes and great storms of tornadoes and cyclones of volcanic activity in many Nations not only upon the Nations of Europe but all of the Nations of the Earth so guilty of the same crimes sins and transgressions as  the European Nations are guilty of in the pollution and devastation of the Earth’s environment that have and are causing the deaths and injuries of all of the creatures of My creation but not only shall I saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel as said strike now the guilty Nations thereof by these disasters alone but also by floods and the increased heat of the Sun baking as; thou wouldst put it; the ground so much so that nought will grow therein resulting in drought famine plague and pestilence and uncontrollable diseases. For thus it is even as these are the days of wrath and anger and are as Judged the punishing of the Nations of all of the Earth yet thus far have I held back the full fury of My wrath and anger being lenient with mankind and the Nations due to be by Me punished in the hope as offered by Me that the Nations upon suffering the out pouring of My wrath and anger would seek of Me forgiveness and would turn from the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of breaking My Moral Laws and from the heart obey all of My Holy Laws and commandments in that I as said as promised  if the Nations thus Judged and due to be by Me punished if they did do so even obey all of My Holy Laws and commandments as so set down in My Word Law and the prophets instead of wrath and anger befalling the Nations of the Earth peace prosperity as never afore been seen in these Nations and the surrounding around about of My presence blessing and protecting them from all harm and alarm until th dawning of My Judgement day but mankind listened not nor did take up the offer of a way to avoid My wrath and anger remaining unrepentant unbelieving disobedient and breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments and continuing to pollute and devastate the environment of their Nations and the Earth thus say I if the Nations of mankind think that the disasters thus far that have struck the Nations of the Earth are the full extent of the power of My wrath and ager to be poured out upon the wicked rebellious and unrepentant Nations of the Earth that do break all of My Holy Laws and commandments and do pollute and devastate the Earth’s environment then mankind had better think again as so shall  be seen in the coming days not only to be poured out upon alone as said upon the Nations of Europe but all the guilty of mankind. But in as far as the catastrophe taking place in the middle East wherein a Nation is massacring its own people with the help of a mighty Nation as so said afore as ordained so shall this one and his allies be cast down unto the bottomless pit and should as so shall I also punish the Nations of the Earth as so said and as ordained by Me that have done little or nought to put an end to it the cup of My wrath  and anger to be poured out upon all of these Nations who stood by and watch this massacre is all but filled up to overflowing and when is does such shall be the out pouting of My wrath and anger upon all of these that as so said in My word mankind shall become as an endangered species. But it is as so said I shall as Judged continue to punish full measure all the Nations of Europe and so said and set down by Me. Thus as so said afore, all that is set down and ordained to come to pass in the last days until the end of days and the dawn of judgment days shall be of a certainty fulfilled even as they have thus far been fulfilled unto perfection.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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