Wednesday 12 February 2020


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto the at this time even the Holy one of Israel and the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL creator of all that is was and every shall be whose will and purposes are worked out in all of creation as I have planned it out in all eternity saith the Lord God especially in as far as Israel is concerned even that Nation I did from the beginning separated unto Myself as My People and Israel as My Nation and Jerusalem as My Holy City wherein by the hand of Solomon was raised up a house to My Holy Name wherein in the Holy of Holies My glory shone forth and the Ark of My covenant with My People dwelt until the abomination which made desolate was set up in the Holy of Holies after the House to My Name was cast down and hath remained so as was so prophesied it would until the return of My People to their own inheritance even the Land of Promise of which hath and is being fulfilled as I so promised I would return My People to the Land I promised unto Abraham and his descendants as their possession forever and once returned never again would they be cast out and the Land of Promise shall not belong unto any other Nation Land and People and as promised so shall all the land of promise be cleansed of all that pollutes it of the Nations and false faiths of the Earth it is their possession their promised inheritance and so shall it once again be as it hath been and shall be forever and once the land of promise hath been cleanse so shall I raise up again by the hand of My chosen servants the House to My Holy Name where once it stood before it was cast down and the abomination of desolation was set up in the Holy of Holies even as it is so set down and revealed in all of My Holy Word and the prophets thus now cometh about as so set down the restoration of all things as concerning My Holy People the Land of Promise and My Holy City Jerusalem therefore as so said all who seek to fight against My people to destroy them and cast them out of the land of promise fight again Me saith the Holy One of Israel and as they intend to do unto My people shall it return upon their own heads they it is that shall be cast out cast down unto the dust of the ground by My right Hand to be no more upon the face of the Earth. For it is as so written down in My Word vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I shall repay a thousand fold upon the heads of all of those that seek to cast down and destroy My people with that with which they intend to do unto My People Israel. But and also as so said I would so at this time I shall I do, as Judged punish each and every Nation of Europe as so said from Gibraltar to the Southern Border of Russia and from the Northern Most reaches of the Earth to Turkey and already as I have  Judged so have I begun the punishing of the Nations of Europe with the Greek Nation and its Islands round about being the first and shall even as I so said I shall punish as afore by Me Judged all of the Nations of Europe without exception in wrath and anger death and destruction even all of the  Nations of Europe that having been given the chance to repent and turn unto Me by Faith in the only true saviour and redeemer the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL whose shed blood alone cleanses from all the sins; even original sin; and from all of the crimes and transgression especially of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and Moral Law and be saved from My wrath that is and shall descend upon all the Nations of the Earth in these Last days before the end of days when My Judgement Day dawns and all of mankind and the Nations of Mankind come before Me to be Judge from the beginning  of days when mankind was cast out of Eden until the End of days not long off as is so set down and revealed in My Most Holy Word Law and the Prophets of old and at this time in this day and age the age of wrath and anger that is and shall descend upon all the wicked corrupt immoral disobedient unbelieving Nations of mankind. Thus after being given the chance as so said to repent and turn unto Me by Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb rejecting to do so and remaining unrepentant and dead in trespasses and sins thus it is and shall be as I have Judged and as I have so shall I  continue to punish all the Nations of Europe without as said exception all the Nations and all the Islands of Europe thus far due to be punished and as so begun so shall I continue to do even according to My will and purposes as so set down in My Word not only for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but for as afore set down the pollution and devastation and the destruction  of the environment either by intent or neglect that hath resulted in a multitude of the cruel deaths and injuries of the creatures of My creation the cause therefore mainly being the transport infrastructure and industries of mankind whose only thought of the owners is  profit bank balance and luxurious living having no thought whatsoever for the welfare protection and the security of others and who only show concern for the welfare of the planet and others when adverse disasters, events circumstances begins to effect them directly there is a say amongst mankind I believe “I’m  alright Jack blow you” or sayings to that effect which hath been the attitude of western culture until now towards the third world and as so said having sown to the wind the west must now reap the whirlwind of its past actions especially being guilty of sitting on the side lines watching the Syrian people suffer and be literally murdered refusing to lift a finger to help the people of that Nation. Thus as so Judged and so said shall the punishing of the Nations of Europe commence full measure Nation by Nation until each and every one hath been punished unto perfection. But as so said in as far as the Nations that hath been as Judged Punished a means I still in grace and mercy have I provided of escaping My wrath and anger until Judgment day dawns. Thus as is revealed in My Word so shall it come to pass of a certainty. But in as far as the punishment of these Nations are concerned; especially ISRAEL; as so said unto all the Nations thus far due to be punished by Me so say I to the Nations of Europe  if all of the  Nations turn from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandment and turns from all wickedness immorality corruption and the breaking of all of My Moral Laws and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper these Nations as I shall also bless ISRAEL if she renews Covenant with Me saith the Holy One of  ISRAEL and shall with this Nation bless and prosper them as they have never afore been blessed or prospered in all that they do and shall surrounded the Nations of Europe  and ISRAEL around about with by My presence protecting them from all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but and the Nations of Europe refuse to do so then so shall I with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon these Nations and the rest of the European Nations even all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth in wrath and anger death and destruction by whirlwind and fire by Earthquake and volcanic activity in many of the Nations of Europe by great storms tornadoes by hurricanes tsunamis tidal wave cataclysmic floods by droughts and famine caused by the increased Heat of the Sun bearing down on the land making it as desolate as the deserts of the Earth resulting in drought plagues, pestilence and disease. But and also shall I punish those Nations and their Governments for having fail to meet the needs of their needy of the sick the terminally ill of the orphan the homeless the widow and the elderly the destitute and impoverished of the refugees within their gates having fled persecution civil war famine and the cruel treatment of their own governments Syria being the supreme example and fail to provide adequate care and protection of the young very young and vulnerable against those who would harm abuse or even murder them of which is their God given responsibility so to meet.   Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM , am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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