Friday 3 January 2020


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven the creator of the Universe and all that in it that doth exist I who doth hold the whole of creation in the palm of My hand and I AM THAT I AM who am the source of all life both physical and Spiritual especial the of the soul of mankind created in Mine own image that which is the spiritual part of mankind a person’s personality of which I created upon forming the bodies of mankind’s first parents from the dust of the ground and did breath their soul in the beginning into their bodies that which of mankind exist forever after departing upon the death of the body shall exist forever the body returning to the dust and the soul the persons, personality the spiritual part of a human being sent to await coming before Me when My Judgement day dawns and all of mankind are brought before Me to be Judged. The body is Just if thou will just a vehicle wherein a person exists throughout their life upon the face of the Earth. Thus it is as so said the spiritual part of mankind their soul a person’s personality cannot as the body doth perish for mankind’s soul personality or person the spiritual part of mankind cannot perish but shall exist forever for as I so said in the beginning I made mankind in My Image and though mankind fell and My image in mankind became corrupt yet because of the My image in which the souls of mankind are created cannot cease to exist neither can I saith the Lord God of Host cannot cause the soul a person’s personality the spiritual being of mankind to cease to exist for My image therein remains and it would be like causing a part of Myself to cease to exist which could and cannot ever be thus of a truth My image in mankind makes mankind a part of Me to put it in human terms it’s like a father killing his own beloved son, thus whilst it grieves Me greatly to Judged the rebellious and disobedient breakers of My Holy Laws and Commandments and to punish them by banishing them to the bottomless pit yet it must be if they remain unrepentant and refuse to obey My Holy Laws and Commandments and do My Will and willingly by faith be redeemed through the only true Passover Lamb  being made thereof pure holy and righteous in My sight being loving obedient faithful children even My children then of necessity they must be cast out and into that place created for all of the disobedient unbelieving rebellious and wicked of Mankind  who remain so even after having being given the opportunity through Faith  in the only true Passover Lamb and Messiah even as it is so with the children of mankind who are rebellious wicked and disobedient in that sooner or later continuous disobedient rebellious children who cause trouble and upset for the rest of the family causing arguments and divisions within the family must be at first be chastised with the hope of them turning from their wicked rebellious ways but upon refusing to do so asked to leave and with the help of their parents find their own way in life but upon refusing to leave causing further upset must for peace and stability of the whole family be cast out of the family home with the words that if they turn from their rebellious disobedient wicked ways they can return. So as I AM the creator and Father of all of mankind and all of mankind being created by Me are though rebellious disobedient wicked and break all of My Holy Laws and commandments are still My children especially in that at birth I do through procreation breath into all who are born of mankind the breath of life even their living souls created in Mine own image into their bodies through procreation the breath into all of mankind souls their spirit or personalities that which is the spiritual part of their existence, thus as it is with a rebellious wicked child of mankind so is it with Me I cast must cast out and into the bottomless pit all of those who at the end of the lives remain wicked rebellious unbelieving breakers of all of My Holy Laws and commandments of mankind even who have by Me upon Judgment day been Judged thus and though I want it not and would rather have it that they had repented and turned unto Me being willing from the heart to obey all of My Holy Laws and commandments but they having refused to do so being given every opportunity to repent reform and become true holy righteous children of the Living God even the redeemed of the Lamb the Messiah, whom I am saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the heaven of heavens must be upon Judgment day be   banished to the bottomless pit even as also a human parent is forced to cast out a rebellious and disruptive child who refuses to obey the parents and respect the family home and obey all the rules set down by their parents by their actions destroying the peace security and happiness of a loving family and family home but on doing so even then as I have done given them a way whereby they can return to the family home if they are willing to do so but it must be the way as so set down by the head of the family and of which the child must prove their genuine willingness to change their ways and reform their character and obey their parents willingly with a loving heart caring more for the good of the family than their own selfish rebellious disobedient destructive ways. So also I have set down the only way whereby all of the rebellious wicked of mankind could return unto Me and to enter the family home as hath many others so done even into the Kingdom of Heaven which if mankind had not fallen all of mankind would have entered therein but that was not so and mankind fell. Thus the way back into the family home was first set down as the promise of a saviour to come through whom all of mankind could return unto Me and once more be able to enter My Heavenly Kingdom even the Kingdom of Heaven and though many have returned through the promised Messiah by faith yet it grieves Me greatly that many have not and at Judgment day I shall have to Judge and punish them by forever banishing them from My presence to that place of banishment even the bottomless pit and punish them forever for rebelling against Me in the disobedience of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments even through in Loving Kindness and mercy I have sought for all of mankind to repent and through Faith in the Messiah Immanuel return unto Me yet many of mankind would not whose judgment of them is Just and upon them shall descend forever the full fury of My wrath and anger in the bottomless from which there can be for all of those cast therein no return. These being they who have proven once and forever that they will not change they will not repent of all their wicked rebellious law breaking ways for if as so said they were willing to do so they would have when given the opportunity to repent be forgiven and cleansed of all sins transgressions and the crime of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments. But as so said afore that the days of grace and mercy have ended and the days of wrath and anger have now descended upon the Nations of the Earth having been Judged and due By Me to be punished in the coming days even unto the end of days when Judgment day dawns even as I so said and revealed in My Word even as I have  Judged Ecuador and found that Nation guilty of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments I shall with the all consuming fires of My Wrath and Anger I shall with the Iron Rod of My Just Judgement and the terrible swift sharp sword in the right hand of He to whom I have placed it strike down not only this Nation but all of the wicked rebellious unbelieving breakers of all of My Holy Laws and commandments and Moral Laws down unto the dust of the ground even by great Earth Quakes Tornadoes Hurricanes mighty storms and floods tidal waves and tsunamis followed by drought famine pestilence disease so much so that many great cities of  the Nations of the Earth shall nolonger exist upon the face of the Earth but not alone shall I punish these and the remaining Nations to be punished for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments but and also shall I punish all the Nations of the Earth for the pollution and devastation of the environment of the Earth and of the seas and oceans of the Earth  that hath and is causing the deaths of many of the creatures of My creation of which I shall not Hold any Nations found guilty of so doing in Judgment upon Judgment day guiltless but as said afore shall I of a certainty punish them by the out pouring of My wrath and anger upon them and at Judgement day upon finding them guilt not only of the sins crimes and transgression of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law but also of the pollution and destruction and devastation of the environment and thereby the unnecessary cruel slaughter of the creatures of My creation but it is that I shall punish the Nations for Mainly the breaking as a fore said of all of My Holy Laws and commandments which if mankind had obeyed as so set down the pollution and destruction of the environment seas oceans and air would not have took place. Thus it is that also for the breaking of all of My Holy Moral Laws as are so set down in My Word of which shall in Judgment the punishment thereof that is due shall be strictly adhered. But it is also that I shall punish most severely the governments of the Nations of South America for failing to meet the needs of the needy of their Nations even the sick the disabled the lame the elderly the widow and the orphan the destitute the poverty stricken the homeless especially providing adequate care and protection for the young and the very young against those who would harm or abuse them as I say unto these government what they shall do unto others I shall do unto them but multiplied tenfold upon their heads whether good or ill. But as so said the time of grace and mercy given to these and all the Judged Nations of the Earth wherein they could if willed repent by Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL hath ended and the punishing of the Nations one by one hath begun and shall not end until all the Nations for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments and for all manner of great wickedness immorality and corruption have been punished as is so set down in MY WORD AND DEMANDED BY MY HOLY LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS. For as said in My Word not one jot or full stop shall be omitted in the execution thereof upon all the wicked disobedient unbelieving breakers of My Holy Laws and Commandments and Moral Laws for all shall be fulfilled as is so set down in all of the My Holy Word Law and the prophets. But and if this Nation even ECUADOR turns from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandment and from all wickedness immorality corruption and the breaking of all of My Moral Laws and obeys all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Laws from the heart according as so set down in My Word Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper them until My Judgment day dawns but as so said if not then so shall the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation thus also as so said where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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