Wednesday 1 January 2020


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel and the saviour and redeemer of all of the Holy People and those of mankind throughout all of the Earth that are indeed the redeemed of the Lamb even the only true Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL for as so said there is no other Name under heaven whereby any of mankind and the Holy people can or could be saved from My wrath to come upon all of the wicked of the Earth guilty of having broken all of My Holy Commandments and My Moral law as is so set down and revealed in all of My Most Holy Word Law and the prophets when My Judgment day dawns and in these days of wrath and anger now come upon all of the Nations of the Earth especially upon all of the Nations thus afore Judged by Me saith the Lord God of all of creation and the Universe and all that exists therein and of which are to be punished at this time by the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger poured forth with the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement thus as so said four mighty Nations of the Earth are to fall as others thus far have so fallen in the recent past one like unto a Lion stood upright as a man the second as a Bear devouring even its own people and all the Nations around about it and cruel using fear to keep its people under its dominion the third a Leopard with four heads and the wings of an Eagle and the fourth mighty Nation having  iron teeth devouring, crushing and subduing all before it having had at its head ten leaders the last of which having but the sight of a man proud and arrogant magnifying himself in the eyes of the Nations of the Earth even unto the heights of heaven each of which I saith the Lord God of Host have Judged and found guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of great wickedness in the breaking of all of My Moral Laws even as so set down in My Word but it shall be in Judgment that as mankind’s laws are not My Laws and My Laws not mankind’s, the Laws by which I shall Judge Mankind shall not be by Mankind’s Laws but My Holy Laws and Commandments and especially by My Most Holy Moral Laws as so set down and revealed in My Word and by which I have so Judged the Nations of the Earth at this time and as so Judged I shall saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the Heaven of Heavens in wrath and anger punish all the Nations of the Earth even according to the demands of My Holy Laws and Commandments and Moral Laws one by one even as I am so doing at this time and shall continue to do so until all of the Nations of the Earth one by one have been punished full measure even unto perfection even as so set down and ordained by Me so to do at this time in these last days even until the End of Days when My Judgment day dawns and not only the living of the Earth are to be  brought before Me to be Judged and if found guilty of breaking all of My Laws and Commandments and especially My Moral Law as so set down in My Word  condemned to be cast into the bottomless pit but all of mankind that at this time rests in their graves shall be raised there from and shall be brought before Me to be Judged and cast into the bottomless pit if found guilty of the breaking of My Holy laws and Commandments and especially My Moral Law this for them the second death the first there of at their passing from the face of the Earth to rest in their graves until My Judgment day has dawned. But as so said and as I have Judged so shall the Mighty Nations of the Earth be cast down as so said one by one unto the dust of the ground by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGMENT never again to be seen or remembered upon the face of the Earth. Thus say I unto thee at this time also as I have Judged Venezuela and found that Nation guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments and am at this time in these days of wrath and anger purposed to punish this South American Nation even in the full fury of My wrath and anger with THE IRON ROD of My Just Judgment as I shall punish all the rest of the south American Nations that have by Me been judged and found guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments and My Moral Law as I have and shall punish all the Nations of the Northern and central Nations of the Americas but as so said with the other Nations due by Me to be punished not only for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall I punish this Nation but also for the pollution and destruction of the environment caused by their transport system of land sea and air especially land and from the careless disposal of industrial chemical and plastic waste into the oceans and seas also the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere from industrial complexes that cause many modern diseases especially of the lung and heart and the cruel deaths and injuries of the creatures of My Creation. Thus to these and others I say when ye come across as ye have the deaths of the creatures of the land and sea and air and wonder at the cause of their deaths go to a mirror and there ye shall find the cause but and also look to the rivers of the land that have become so polluted by the disposal of industrial chemical waste and other pollutants what happens to these rivers and canals they become lifeless and then if thou canst imagine that happening to the oceans of the Earth and the necessity of marine life to exist in a clean unpolluted environment of which for thousands of years they have and in the last two decades have had to exits in an environment that has become over the last two centuries so polluted that the marine life once supports has vanished thus also consider how long will be if this is not halted or stopped before the oceans and seas of the Earth become so polluted that they become as the rivers canals and water ways lifeless and then consider what effect that will have upon the Earths ecosystem and eventual upon the whole of mankind and the effect that pollution would have upon all of the creatures  before all the creatures of the Earth cease to exist if the pollution of the land seas oceans is allowed to continue and how long would it be before mankind ceased to exist upon the surface of the Earth. Mankind depends on what ye call Nature to exist upon the face of the Earth  as much as nature depends on mankind for its existence when one fails to look after the other and ceases to continue what ye call the symbiotic relations ship between what mankind calls Nature  and mankind if as said one fails in that relationship both fail and both cease to exists whether it be the creature and the environment or mankind ye think that which ye call Nature can exist without mankind to care for nurture and protect it not so neither can mankind exist but more so without the creatures of the Earth and a clean and pollutant free environment to provide from mankind the bounty of the Earth necessary for healthy living thus say I as afore said the responsibility for the care nature and protection of the creatures of the Earth and the environment I placed into the hands of mankind of which as said afore mankind has failed to meet My God given duty and responsibility of which mankind is and will have to answer for. But say I for the Great Wickedness immorality and corruption especial that which exists in the Nations of the Southern  Continent of the Americas even that which exists in  Venezuela especial the slaughter of innocents by the criminal element in that Nation and the corruption that exist in that Nations Government and the breaking and disobedience of all My Holy Laws and Commandments I am purpose to cause to descend upon that Nation the full fury of My wrath and anger by whirlwind and fire by Earth Quake Volcanic activity in many places and by floods whirlwinds droughts and famines and by great storms that shall descend upon all the cities of this Nation  the blood of the creatures and  innocents of this Nation cries out to Me for Justice and vengeance and My reply must and shall vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I shall repay a life for a life of those who have caused the deaths of men women and children and the creatures of this Nation no matter who they are for I saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven am no respecter of persons and My Holy Law concerning murder or rape and the killing of the innocents and creatures of this Nation shall apply full measure upon the guilty for as they have not shown mercy in the taking of the lives of their victims neither shall I saith the Lord God show mercy now and on the day of Judgment to those guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and Moral Law and committing of these crimes against the men women children and the creatures of this Nation. But and if this Nation turns from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandment and from all wickedness immorality corruption and the breaking of all of My Moral Laws and obeys all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Laws from the heart according as so set down in My Word Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper them until My Judgment day dawns but as so said if not then so shall the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation thus also as so said where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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