Thursday 19 December 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God creator of all that is was and ever shall be even all of the creatures of the Earth and especially all of mankind who commanded mankind in Eden’s Garden not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and being lead astray by the adversary who fist deceive Eve and through Eve Adam causing them to fall and upon doing so as I so warned that in the day they did eat the fruit they would surely die as they did upon doing so as punishment for their disobedience of that first command even spiritual death and upon casting them forth and cursing the ground and the creatures of creation for their sakes they being the chief of My creation of whom I did dominion over making them responsible for all the creatures of My creation to care for and protect and as mankind was the chief of My creation and having given dominion over all of My creation the curse of death physical and corruption  came upon all of the Earth and the creatures thereof and did when the population of mankind expanded over all the face of the Earth beyond Noah’s day after the great flooding of the Earth I set the maximum physical span of the life for all mankind at one hundred and twenty years as is revealed and so set down and written in My Word for I said as revealed is revealed and set down I said My Spirit shall not always strive with mankind therefore mankind’s days shall because all of mankind are but flesh and blood the days of mankind shall be one hundred and twenty years thus it is and hath been since the beginning of creation that mankind’s life span hath not exceeded that number of years and yet many of mankind have lived beyond that span of life contrary to that claim that the span of human life is three score and ten and if by reason of strength four score thus upon all of those who seek to add to My Word that which is not written down therein no matter their intentions to them shall I add all the plagues set down in My Word even all the plagues I brought down upon the heads of the Egyptians through Mosher/Moses My friend and servant in seeking at My command to free My people Israel from grievous bondage and also it is that if any do take anything away from My Word of take it out of context and teach for doctrines the commandments of men seeking to justify their teaching by misquoting My Word their Names shall forever be erased from the book of life and in Judgement the verdict shall be for the perverting My Word of truth guilty as charged and the sentence pronounced shall be everlasting punishment without mercy in the bottomless pit forever. Thus as said I have Judged all these Caribbean  Islands searching them out unto perfection to see if any where Holy and righteous in My sight having been by faith cleansed from all sins crimes and the transgression of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments through the blood of the eternal Passover Lamb saviour and redeemer even the Messiah IMMANUEL and by faith in Him in all humility obeying from the heart all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and having found none and finding all guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially breaking all of My Moral laws and also guilty of great wickedness corruption and immorality and the governments of this Nation and other Caribbean Nations failing to meet the needs of the Needy of all the Caribbean Nations even of the sick the lame the disabled the elderly the homeless and the orphans and those stricken by poverty destitute being unable not only to provide for themselves sufficient sustenance but also for their offspring and the strangers within their gates seeking help and refugee from war and persecution and also guilty of failing to halt the pollution and devastation of their environment that hath caused the deaths of many of the creatures of My creation and that is also causing the young and elderly thereby to suffer cruel lingering respiratory illness and diseases shortening their life span ending in an agonising cruel deaths of which could have been avoided by the proactive efforts of the governments of all the Nations of the Earth not just these alone by taking action not only to curb the pollution and the devastation of the environment but end it all together of which these Governments and the governments of the all Nations of the Earth seem to have lacked and still lack any real incentive to actively halt the pollution and devastation of the Earth that has been and is being caused by the Nations of mankind in the slow destruction of that upon which mankind relies to exist. Thus say I the time has long passed wherein mankind could have reversed the effect the pollution and the devastation caused by mankind has had and is still having on the Earth’s environment and climate many a time through the voices of others have I warned mankind of the consequences of their industrial pollution and the catastrophic effect it would have in the end upon the Earth’s environment and climate of which because of greed the lust for power prestige and the accumulation of wealth lands and positions none were willing or wanted to take notice of and are still taking little or no notice of but as said it is now too late to reverse the devastation and destruction of Earth’s climate and environment all that mankind can do now if sufficient action is taken by the Nations of the Earth is slow it down. Thus it is that mankind has had the attitude of live now and pay later well mankind as so to speak has lived and now the time to pay later as so to speak is here and now. But because of mankind’s wickedness the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments not only shall mankind have to suffer the consequence of having the attitude of live now pay later but of the outpouring of My wrath and anger that shall descent upon all of mankind for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments the cruel slaughter of the creatures of My creation not only by direct action but also through as so said the pollution and destruction of the environment resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and not only those caused now but also those to follow. Thus I say is it not so that mankind relies upon the bounty of the Earth and the purity of the atmosphere to even exist upon the surface thereof as also do the creatures of My creation as the earth and it environment is one interdependent intergraded whole that any failure of one part thereof affects the whole if atmospheric pollution goes beyond a certain limit life ceases if all the creatures of the Earth die life ceases if the oceans are polluted beyond what is sustainable life ceases if the water cycle ceases life ends so in effect mankind’s existence depends on their ability to care for the Earth and all that in it and upon it exists. Thus as I gave mankind the responsibility to care for and protect the Earth and all that in it is, so in Judgement and in the Judging of mankind the failure of mankind to fulfil their God given responsibility of caring for and protecting the Earth and all that in and upon it is I saith the Lord God of the Host of the Heavens and the Heavens of Heavens shall also weighted in the balances of My Just Judgement but as so said as I have Judged these Nations so shall I in wrath and anger now that the days of grace and mercy having ended and the days of wrath and anger begun so shall I as so said punish at this time all the Nations of Mankind one by one. Thus as so said I have Judged this Caribbean Nation and found it guilty as so said of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments thus therefore shall I with the Iron Rod of My Just Judgement punish this Nation as I shall all the Nations of the Caribbean one by one in wrath and anger by whirlwind and fire by plague drought and famine by great storms floods hurricanes tornadoes Earth Quakes and especially in this region volcanic activity in diverse places also by the increased heat of the Sun bearing down upon the ground causing the Earth to become as hard as rock and denying mankind the bounty of the Earth. But and if this Nation even ANGUILLA turns from off all disobedience of My Holy Laws and commandment and obeys them all from the heart according as so set down in My Word Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper them until My Judgment day dawns but as so said if not then so shall the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation thus also as so said where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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