Tuesday 17 December 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation who hath created the Heavens and the Earth Sun Moon and the Stars fixed in the heavens and the Galaxies wherein they exist around which their planets orbit and all the wonders thereof created as afore said to the Glory of My Holy Name of which though it falls far short is named by mankind the Universe thus it is that as I created all that exist in all of creation even all of the Heavens and the Heaven of Heavens all of which I created in all eternity before time began after the fall of mankind and the curse of death and corruption entered into all of creation and the days of grace and mercy were given to mankind after I provided mankind of a way back unto Me through the promise of a saviour and messiah who would save not only My Holy People but all of mankind who by Faith would come to believe in Him as their saviour and redeemer of which was fulfilled in coming of the Messiah and only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL sacrificed upon the altar of grace even the altar of My Loving Kindness and mercy and physically crucified upon a Roman cross; reserved for all who rebelled against the Roman Empire; for all who had would and did come by Faith to believe in Him as their saviour redeemer and Messiah as He was sacrifice He did suffer the punishment due not only for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but and also for original sin committed by Adam and Eve that brought upon all of creation corruption death and the beginning of time to all who had did an would come to believe in Him as their saviour and redeemer the end of that punishment signified by the His final Words IT IS FINISHED and thus in the place of all who as so would did and had come to believe in Him passed from this life into the bottomless pit thus completing their salvation and redemption and His resurrection was not signified His conquest of death and the grave but My acceptance on the behalf of all who believed in Him of His sacrifice which was verified as so said afore by the resurrection of all who had believe in HIM as their promised saviour and Messiah from their graves when He was resurrected from amongst the dead and as He was to ascend after witnessing His resurrection to His followers disciples or talmadin so also did they ascend into My Kingdom of Heaven saith the Holy One of Israel. But as so said the days of grace and Mercy began with the promise of the Messiah to come and its fulfilment and thus as it began so it was to end with a promise of the return in the last days of My People to their own Promised Land and Nation wherein all the Nations were to be Judged and given in these last days repent and turn unto Me and upon doing so receive forgiveness of all sins crimes and the transgressions in the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments and for original sin as so committed and inherited by all of mankind fro mankind’s first parents Adam and Eve and upon being forgiven and redeemed through the blood of the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah by Me resurrected unto eternal life and at the end of life on Earth ascending unto the Heaven of Heavens and My Kingdom forever and thus who refused once the days; as foretold in My Word; of grace and mercy had come to and end and all the Nations of the Earth having been Judge found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and convicted of a multitude of sins crimes and transgression in the committing of great wickedness corruption immorality and iniquity also crimes committed against the creatures of My creation and the innocent of mankind especially children and the young they being most precious in My sight directly or indirectly through cruelty and or the pollution and devastation of the Earth’s environment in the days of wrath and anger those unrepentant would suffer the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger descending upon them and in Judgment upon Judgement day having been found guilty of all sins crimes and the transgressions of the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments of original sin and all the wickedness corruption an evil committed in all the Earth throughout the lives of the citizens of these Nations who refused to repent and turn unto Me by the Angel of death cast into the bottomless pit and the lake of the fires of everlasting torment forever. Thus as so said afore many times these days of wrath and anger having begun sh hath the punishing of the unrepentant Nations of the Earth begun but and yet even so I having no joy in the death of the wicked saith the Lord God of Hosts do yet say unto the unrepentant Nation upon which My wrath and anger is to descend there is a means whereby I shall hold back My wrath and anger and even to certain extent bless the Nations of the Earth and that is if from the heart the Nations thus Judged and due for punishment turn back from breaking My Holy Laws and Commandment to obey them all as so set down and revealed in My Word Law and commandments EVEN ALL OF MY HOLY WORD LAW AND THE PROPHETS. But let none be mistaken at this time those who do not turn to obey from the Heart all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as so set down and revealed therein shall indeed suffer the full fury of My all consuming wrath and anger by Earth Quake whirlwind and fire tornadoes hurricanes of such ferocity as hath not been seen afore upon the Earth eve of great and cataclysmic storms of the eruption of volcanoes upon many lands and islands of the Earth of floods tidal waves and tsunamis followed by the constant increasing of the suns heat drying out the land to become as hard as rock causing famine and drought plague and pestilence and diseases thus say it not in My Word not only if I have not shortened these last days even the days of Jacobs trouble no flesh would be saved in these days of wrath and anger but and also towards the end of these days and dawning of Judgment day that the number of the inhabitants of the Nations and of the Earth shall have greatly diminished so much so that any of mankind can go for many miles without seeing another human being the cause of which being not only My wrath and anger descending on the unrepentant Nations of the Earth but the diminishing of resources needed by the industrial Nations of the Earth for as I so said in as far as the resources need by thy transport system is not infinite and with the excessive use thereof those resources have diminished greatly so also have the resources needed by the industrial Nations of the Earth diminished greatly and not being infinite soon if those Nations do not curb the usage of those resources shall run out but the problem is if the usage of those resources increases in as far as their industrial and transport system increases the possibility of the sudden end of those resources increases and also increases the sudden collapse of this present modern civilization that could result in cataclysmic consequences. Thus as so said having Judge and found GUADELOUPE guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments in these days of wrath and anger and the punishing of the unrepentant Nations of the Earth unless this Nation ceases to disobey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments so shall I punish this Nation as so set down herein in wrath and anger shall this Nation fall down unto the dust of the ground to rise no more but and if this Nation turns from off all disobedience of My Holy Laws and commandment and obeys them all from the heart according as so set down in My Word Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper them until My Judgment day dawns but as so said if not then so shall the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation thus also as so said where there is life there is hope and in hope their is life and as I AM THAT I AM, am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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