Friday 6 December 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation of the Heavens and the Heaven of Heavens the Earth the Sun Moon and the Stars and Galaxies fixed in the heavens and all the wonders in the Universe created for the Glory of My Holy Name especially the Earth upon which I created all of the creatures of My creation but the pinnacle of My creation was mankind of whom I did create in My Image even their souls and their bodies from the dust of the ground and breathed into their bodies their souls and they became living beings and I saith the Lord God set them over the whole of My creation until they fell and were cast as afore said out of My Garden created East ward in Eden for the breaking of My commandment given unto them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil of which they broke and bore the consequence thereof but I in My Mercy and Loving Kindness did provide a way back unto Me in the promise of a Messiah and saviour to come if they believed in Him by faith repenting of their sin of breaking that first commandment given seeking of Me forgiveness and upon being forgiven in the saviour and Messiah to come redeemed and made pure and Holy in My sight of which both Adam and Eve at once believed and were forgiven and redeemed and it was counted unto them for righteousness not their righteousness but the righteousness of the Messiah to come of which was as so said afore fulfilled and all who followed after Adam and Even who believed by Faith in the Messiah to come who until His coming in rested their graves and upon His resurrection all who believed afore did rise from their graves being seen of many in Jerusalem and in all the land of Israel and as He ascended into the Heaven of Heavens so also did they to dwell before My throne forever. Thus from thence all who have by Faith believed in Him that belief hath been counted unto them as being righteousness in My sight not their own righteousness but of being clothed in His righteousness having been forgiven cleansed from all sins transgression and the crimes of breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of especially that first sin through His shed blood He being the only true eternal Passover Lamb even the Messiah IMMANUEL which caused the fall of Mankind and also cleansed of all sins crimes and transgressions in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments have and shall ascend as did He into the Heaven of Heavens thus as afore said these were the days of grace and mercy given from the fall of mankind until the end of the days of grace and mercy and the beginning of the days of wrath and anger that now begun wherein all the Nations in existence upon the face of the Earth having in the days of grace and mercy been Judged found guilty of all sins crimes and transgressions in the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments and given the opportunity to repent and turn from all of their wickedness immorality and corruption and iniquity and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments seeking of Me forgiveness and upon being forgiven by faith in the only true Messiah redeemed and made Holy and pure in My sight of which many have rejected and as Adam and Eve fell in the breaking of My first commandment bore the consequences of their faith of which I did say that upon doing so they would most surely die of which they did but unlike many of the present generations of mankind they believe and as so said it was counted unto them for righteousness and they were redeemed by the blood of the promised Messiah who then was to come and of which in the Messiah IMMANUEL was fulfilled the proof thereof seen in the resurrect of all who believed in Him before His coming to be the only true sacrifice for all sins crimes and the transgressions of not on the first sin but of all the sins crimes and transgressions of those who did before His coming did believe and since have believed and have become the redeemed of the only true  Passover Lamb for there is but only one Name under Heaven wherein any could be saved from My wrath to come and inherit My Kingdom of Heaven and eternal life and that Name is the Messiah IMMANUEL. But as so said the days of grace and mercy have ended and the days of wrath and anger and the punishing of the Nations hath begun and shall continue until My Judgment day dawns and all of mankind both the quick and the dead are brought before Me to be Judged and either condemned for original sin passed down and inherited from mankind’s first parents in the breaking of that first commandment and also all of the sins crimes and transgression committed by mankind from thence until Judgment day or acquitted by having repented of all sins crimes and transgressions especially original sin have by Me been forgiven saith the Holy One of Israel and redeemed by faith in the only true Messiah IMMANUEL having been cleansed of all sins and transgressions through His shed blood and made pure and Holy in My sight being clothed in His righteousness for as so said in My Word mankind’s righteousness is like unto filthy rags only fit to be cast into the fire to be consumed thereof. Thus as the days of grace and mercy have ended and the days of wrath and anger and the punishing as so said of all the Nations of the Earth having been Judged and found guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments and unrepentant hath as so said begun and as so said shall end only at the end of days when Judgment day dawns and there after the old creation by Me shall be rolled up and cast into the fires of My wrath and anger and destruction and the creation of the New shall begin. But it is before then as I have begun to punish the Nations as so set down so shall I punish all the Nations thence forth of the Caribbean and central America unto perfection and from thence all of the continent of South America in wrath and anger in death and destruction upon all of the wicked unrepentant nations of the Earth. Thus it is that I shall punish this Nation in wrath and anger death and destruction by Earth Quakes Volcanoes Great Storms of which thus far have never afore seen upon the face of the Earth by Tornadoes and Hurricanes by Tsunamis and Tidal waves of such height that the shores of the Nations they strike shall be wiped clean and not one structure built by mankind shall be left standing after their passing by cataclysmic floods followed by the increased heat of the sun drying out the Earth so much so that it becomes as hard as rock even granite unable to bring forth vegetation of any kind and of which any crops planet therein shall wither and die followed by Plague Famine drought Pestilence and uncontrollable diseases. But as with the other Nations not only shall I punish this Nation for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral  Law but also for the pollution and devastation of the environment of which is the cause of the suffering and deaths of many of the creatures of My creation, also shall I punish the government of this Nation for their failure to meet the needs of the needy of their Nation even the sick disabled the widow the orphan the homeless the elderly the destitute and the poverty stricken but the disasters as are so set down shall only befall this Nation full measure if is remains disobedient to all of My Holy Laws and commandments but and if they turn and from the heart to obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and from all great wickedness corruption immorality and iniquity especially in the breaking of My Moral Laws then until Judgment days dawns My wrath and anger shall be withheld and My blessings of peace and prosperity shall descend upon this Nation full measure. But as so said if this Nation refuses to obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as set down in My Word willingly then only wrath and anger death and destruction shall descend upon them.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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