Saturday 14 December 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Whole of creation and all that exists therein of the Stars fixed in the Heavens and the galaxies in which they exist and the planets which around them orbits even and especially the Sun around which the Earth orbits and the Moon around the Earth of is at the very centre of My creation of which mankind calls the Universe which falls far short as afore said the reality of My creation for mankind limits it to the physical by the usage of this term to describe My creation place boundaries and limits thereon when in reality there are no boundaries for My creation is not just a physical creation but also a spiritual one and thus only limited in the physical sense but not the spiritual for I am as doth My Word say as did the Messiah when He said "That the hour shall come and now is that the true worshipers shall worship God the Father in spirit and in true for God the Father seeks such to worship Him for God is Spirit and they that worship Him must do so in Spirit and in Truth." and thus it is as I AM spiritually infinite in all of My being the boundaries set upon the whole of My creation of the Earth Sun Moon Stars planets Galaxies and the Wonders thereof and of the Heaven of Heavens both Spiritual and physical are and can and have bee set By Me and None Other but in as far as this is concerned consult the book of Job and the latter end wherein I asked Him many questions as concerning My being and the extent of My power and Glory and who shall contend with Me and instruct Me let him come forth and as I question Job so shall I put to them the same questions I put to Job of which the answers will be even as he answered Me. Thus say I that the physical creation is that which is seen by all but the spiritual is like unto the wind ye cannot see nor hold in thine hand yet it is felt in the passing thereof and in the power it can and doth weild in the giving and taking of life of which I alone can command its coming and going and use its power to chastise the children of men and of the Holy People but the spiritual is in the lives of the creatures and all of mankind for as mankind is a spiritual being so also is are the creatures of My creation for within Me they live and move and have there being as doth all of mankind the soul of the creatures of My creation upon their birth come out from Me and are breathed into their bodies and the sign of that spiritual life entering their physical bodies is in their first breath taken as is the sign of mankind repeating at their birth the first breath taken by mankind when first they were created and I breathed into their bodies created out of the dust of the ground their living souls and they became living beings created in My image in My image created them I both male and female. But as the creatures of My creation in spirit return unto Me upon passing from this Earth not so mankind for mankind fell being deceived and lied to by the adversary into disobeying My first commandments given that if they ate of the fruit of thge tree of the knowledge of good and evil they would surely die of which they did and thus death and the days of grace and mercy began in the provision of a way back unto Me through faith in the promise of a Messiah to come of which as afore said was fulfilled when the Messiah came and did take upon Himself the punishment for all of the sins crimes and transgression of those who did and would come by faith to believe in Him as their redeemer and only true Passover Lamb thus in His death did they die and upon His resurrection where they resurrected unto eternal life and as He ascended into the Heaven of Heavens so shall they all at the end of their lives on Earth or after in Judgment being acquitted they having been made pure Holy and righteous in My sight through being clothed in His rightness thus it is as the days of grace and mercy began so now have they ended and the days of wrath and anger began to descend upon all of those Nation having been Judged found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments and refusing to repent and believe in the only true saviour redeemer and eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL when given the chance to do so in the days of grace and mercy. Thus it is as so said I having found this Nation guilty not only of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and especially My Moral Law but also guilty of great wickedness corruption immorality the pollution and destruction of the environment that has resulted in the cruel suffering and the deaths of the creatures of My creation also the Government of this Nation being guilty of neglecting to meet the needs of the needy of this Nation even the provision of adequate health care for the sick the disabled the lame the deaf and blind but more so for the terminally ill and also meeting the needs of the destitute and the poverty stricken the homeless the orphans and the young and very young in the provision of care and protection against those who would harm or abuse them. Thus for all of these sins crimes and transgressions with the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger and with the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGMENT SHALL I PUNISH THESE NATION even by Great Cataclysmic storms Tornadoes Hurricanes floods tsunamis followed by drought and famine plague and pestilence caused by the bearing down upon the land the Suns increased heat of which some of the Nation have had but a taste of recently and of which in the short time before Judgement day shall increase exponentially so much so that famine will strike not only this Nation but also those unrepentant Judged Nations of the Earth only those Nations that belong unto Me shall prosper and be blessed and be over shadow by My presence and protect from all harm and alarm. But it shall be as I have so said unto the Nations of the Earth thus far Judged that the time of mercy and grace hath as so said ended and the days of wrath and anger began wherein which I shall punish Each and every unrepentant Nation thus Judged and found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and of great wickedness Immorality and corruption and especially the breaking of My Moral Law the pollution of the environment and of the failure of the Governments of the Nations Judged to meet the needs of the needy of their Nations especially the young and vulnerable. Thus be assured that I shall punish all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth full measure even unto perfection at this time wherein. Thus it shall be that when endeth the time of grace and mercy wherein I shall strike all the Nations thus Judged and unrepentant with the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT when the Nations cry out unto Me for Mercy My reply shall be a time of grace and mercy was given so that any who wanted to repent could do so and be redeem and made holy and righteous in My sight through faith in the Messiah IMMANUEL but ye refused to take heed of My word and My Word of warning unto thee of the consequences of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Law therefore as ye have refused to hear Me when I was merciful unto thee in providing that time of unmerited Loving Kindness and favour even that which ye call grace so shall I refuse to hear thee when the full out pouring of My wrath and anger descends upon all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth the heavens shall be as brass towards all the prayers of Nations of the Earth for Me to be merciful and to hold back My wrath and anger and to forgive them of all of their sins crimes and transgressions for as said the time of grace and mercy shall have ended and the time of the punishing of the Nations begun in wrath and anger by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT. But and if this Nation turns from the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandment and from the heart obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and do turn from all manner of great wickedness corruption immorality and iniquity then until Judgment day dawns My wrath and anger shall be withheld and My blessings of peace and prosperity shall descend upon this Nation full measure. But as so said if this Nation refuses to obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as is so set down in My Word willingly then only wrath and anger death and destruction shall descend upon this Nation even shall descend the full fury of My wrath and anger by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT in punishment.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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