Tuesday 3 December 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God creator of the Heavens and Heaven of Heavens and all that in them is even the Universe and all hat exist therein the Sun Moon planets stars als the galaxies and the wonders thereof created for the Glory of My Holy Name and especially the Earth upon which I alone created the creatures of My creation and the chief thereof of My creation even mankind who I created in mine Image in My Image created I their souls both male and female and from the dust of the ground their bodies into which I breathed their souls and they became living beings pure Holy and Righteous in My sight and immortal having a beginning of days but no end that is until they being deceived by lies of the Adversary in the form of a serpent fell and were cast out of the Garden I saith Lord God of Hosts created Eastward in Eden even My garden of Eden for having disobeyed My first commandment the consequences of which if they disobey I did warn them of even death both spiritual and physical thus as the curse of death befell them so did corruption follow and befell all of the creatures of My creation and thus as corruption and death entered in My creation so all entered in the beginning of days of which now the end thereof approaches even the last days in which all the Nations would be Judged until the end of the days of grace and mercy and the days of wrath and anger begun wherein all the Nations would be Judged and if found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments would when the days of grace and mercy ended would be punished unto perfection if after having been given in the days of grace and mercy the opportunity to escape My wrath and anger to come upon the whole of the Earth in these days also known as the days of Jacobs trouble if they sought forgiveness of Me and having by Me been forgiven would upon being forgiven by Faith in the only true Passover Lamb the Messiah be redeemed and cleansed from all sins crimes and the transgressions of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments thus becoming the redeemed of the Lamb and the children of the living God; they remained unrepentant and thus now it is that the days as afore said of grace and mercy have ended so the days of My wrath and anger that shall befall all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth hath indeed begun and as so Judged am I now purpose to punish all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth in wrath and anger by the IRON ROD of MY Just Judgement of which hath begun with the punishing of the Nations of the middle East and nations of North Africa for as so said as they all were all judged and found guily of first and formost guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments so said I unless they repented of the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments they once the days of grace and mercy hath ended so shall they be punish in the days of wrath and anger of which as so said afore the days of garce and nercy having ended and the days of wrath and anger begun so shall all those Nations found guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments would and shall be punished eve according to the demands of My Holy Laws and Commandments as so set down and revealed in My Most Holy Word Law and Commandments even My Moral Law and as it is so written down so shall all that is written therein shall be fulfilled upon all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth but it is as I so warned of the coming of My Judgment upon each and every Nation to be Judged so shall it be and hath been that I shall warn all the Nation Judged and found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments of the coming of their Just due punishment by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGMENT. Thus as I said so shall I punish all the Nations as said of the Northern Continent of the Americas and as I shall punish Canada having found that Nation in Judgment of being guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments of great wickedness immorality in the breaking of MY MORAL LAWS not mankind’s which fall far short of Mine as is so revealed in My Holy Word Laws and Commandments for all immorality of the Nations of the Earth in Judgment shall be punish according to My Moral Law as is so set down n My Word and written upon tablets of stone and not according to Mankind’s Moral Laws for My Laws are not mankind’s nor are mankind’s Laws My Laws and it is My Law that shall be executed upon mankind for the breaking thereof who are found guilty of so doing and shall be punished as My Holy Laws and commandments demand those Judged shall be punished. Thus as so said as I shall having found Canada guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments punish that Nation so shall I also Punish America having also Judged and found American guilty of breaking first and formost all of My Holy Laws and commandments but and also guilty of great wickedness iniquity immorality and corruption and unrepentant of all sins crimes and transgression in the breaking thereof Thus as I have Judged so shall I form hence forth begin to punish all the Nations of the Caribbean and central America and thereafter each and every Nation having in Judgment been found guilty of breaking of all of My holy Laws and commandments and of Immorality corruption great wickedness  and iniquity of the Southern Continent of the Americas with the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT in wrath and anger by whirlwind and fire by earth quake and great storms of tsamis and hurricanes and tornadoes by Massive Earth Quakes and by floods followed by droughts caused by the increased heat of the Sun drying out the Earth and the lakes streams and rivers followed by Plagues pestilence uncontrollable diseases but and if any Nation Judged that is due to be punished by the out pouring of My wrath and anger turns from their disobedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments and doth from the heart begin to obey them all as so set down in My Word Laws and the prophets then until Judgment days dawns shall I withhold My wrath and anger descending upon them and instead bless them with peace and prosperity. But be assured if not then the full weight of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger r in the manner set down herein shall befall all the Nation who remain disobedient to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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