Thursday 7 November 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even ADONAI ELOHEI TZVA'OT Creator of all that is was and ever shall be even the whole of the Universe and all that exists therein the Sun Moon Stars Galaxies and all of the planets that exist therein and all of the Wonders thereof but and especially the Earth formed by the breath of My Mouth for thus did I command it to exist and so came it into being and as I commanded it to exist so it I upon the surface thereof command Roach Hakodesh the Holy Spirit to form the lands seas and oceans even the waters upon the Earth and the waters above the Earth and the void betwixt5 the waters and the waters above the void were called clouds and the void between the waters called I sky the waters upon the surface in them created I all the creatures thereof even all of marine life and created I the fowls of the air to navigate the void called I sky and upon the land formed I the herbs of the land the tress of the forests and the grasses of the plains each after their kind and I saw that all I did was good and then it was that I created the bodies of mankind from the dust of the ground and breathed into their bodies the breath of life even their living souls created in Mine own image and commanded them to go forth as afore said and set down commanded them to go forth and multiply and cover the face of the Earth  as I also commanded the creatures of My creation. Thus they ere pure holy in My sight and immor4tal until they fell when they disobey the very first commandment I gave unto them and upon them came the curse of death the beginning of time and the grave and an end to their immortality but not only did the curses thereof befall all of mankind but the whole of creation of each and every creature upon the face of the Earth and upon all of the stars of the heavens the planets that orbited them and the Galaxies in which they exist and this is the reason for repeating the creation of the heavens and the heaven of heavens and the Earth that when mankind fell the curse of sin death and corruption not only affected mankind alone but all of creation the whole of the Universe and all that in it that existed in that before mankind fell the whole of the Unverse was pure Holy and perfect in My sight having a beginning and no end immortal in the heaven of heavens forever and that I did as My Word states many a time in the cool of the day did come to meet with mankind and mankind then knew Me face to face and I them also and when mankind fell that ended and betwixt mankind a Myself came into existence a great gulf which until I gave unto mankind the promise of a saviour redeemer and Messiah to come that gulf betwixt Me and mankind could not be traversed but once mankind believed in the promised redeemer saviour and Messiah to come by faith that great gulf could be crossed by faith in Him, He giving all those who believe in Him by Faith the power so to do for it is He alone that can through His shed blood redeem all who repent seeking from Me forgiveness of sin transgression and the crimes of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments making them Holy Pure and righteous through His righteousness for the righteousness of mankind without His righteousness to cover and redeem them is as filthy rags. Thus as so said afore this creation shall be rolled up as a scroll and cast into the fires of destruction to Me no more and a new Heaven and a New Earth shall I create but not alone a new heav3ensa and a new Earth but a new creation a creation without death corruption wickedness or evil and pure Holu Universe having a New beginning but no end immortal IN THE heavens FOR EVER and upon the New Earth the creatures thereof pure holy perfect and immortal as shall also those of mankind that exists thereon even all of the redeemed of the Lamb. Thus shall once more mankind shall know and converse with Me face to face and as I know them so shall all of them know Me and as all of those know Me all shall know each other as they know themselves for it shall be that they and all the creatures of the Earth shall live move and have their being upon the face of the New Earth in Me saith the Lord God of Hosts. Thus as the fall was the death of mankind and the whole of creation so shall the new Earth and the new heavens by faith in the only true saviour redeemer even the only true Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL be the resurrection of the whole of creation and of mankind.. Thus it is that first must come the end of the old creation which shall soon come to pass when these last days come to an end; even the days of the punishing of the Nations of the Earth Judged by Me one by one and one by one shall they all be punished even according to the demands of My Holy Laws and Commandments as are set down in My Host Holy Word especially My Moral Law hip and thigh even unto death the grave and from thence in Judgment to the bottomless pit wherein are fires of everlasting torment from which there is no escape nor reprieve forever; and upon all of creation and mankind the Earth and the Universe descends even the end of days the end of this creation. Thus it is as so said I shall Judge in these last days of grace and mercy these Nations the Cocos Islands and Somaliland and if found guilty of breaking any of My Holy Laws and Commandments so shall I in wrath and anger death and destruction punish them by Earth Quake Whirlwinds and fire great storms and floods  tornadoes and hurricanes and by Volcanic activity in many places and by drought plagues pestilence and uncontrollable diseases but not alone for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments shall they be Punished but for also the pollution and destruction of the environment of which results in the cruel injuries and deaths of the creature of My creation of land sea oceans and air and also for great wickedness immorality corruption and iniquity but more so for the breaking of My Most Holy Moral Laws shall I punish not only the Nations thus far by Me Judged but all of mankind unto perfection each and every one and none shall escape My Just Judgment  no not one. Thus I must warn once again the Nations of the Earth that obedience upon the Earth that once the days of grace and mercy hath ended doth not exclude them from in Judgment; if found guilty of all sins crimes and transgressions and all the evil and wickedness committed in all of the lives of the peoples of these Nations who have in the days of grace and mercy refuse to repent and seek for forgiveness and redemption through Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah;  being cast into the bottomless pit obedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments only guarantees in this life upon Earth the withholding of My wrath and anger and the giving of earthly prosperity and protection from all who would seek to harm them in effect these days of the punishing of the Nations  will become the days of the ruling of the Nations By the IRON ROD of My Just Judgment and the casting down of the disobedience unrepentant Nations of Mankind throughout all of the Earth. But as so said in the remaining days of grace and mercy if the Nations of the Earth especially THE COCOS ISLANDS AND SOMALILAMD if found guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments; as afore said; as is so set down and revealed in My Word and upon tablets of stone and the hearts of mankind and of great wickedness of corruption and immorality iniquity and the pollution and destruction of the environment which hath lead to the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation and many of the illness of mankind repent seeking of Me forgiveness of all sins crimes and transgressions and upon being forgiven by Faith being redeemed by the shed blood of the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL Then shall it be that My Wrath and anger shall be turned back but if not then the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger shall descend as so afore said in the days to come upon all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth. But not only shall I punish these Nations severely thus being Judged by Me saith the Lord God if found guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but their governments also if found guilty of failing in their duty and responsibility to meet the needs of the needy of their Nation even of the sick the terminally ill of the disabled the widow the elderly the destitute the poverty stricken the homeless and the orphan but and also failing if found guilty in the provision of adequate care and protection for the young the very young and the vulnerable of their Nation against those who would harm abuse or even murder them. But if repentance in these remaining days of grace and mercy is forth coming by these and any of the Nations of the Earth thus Judged and found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments of great wickedness immorality iniquity and corruption then as afore said instead of the full fury of My wrath and anger and of death and destruction everlasting life showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place prepared for those who do repent in My Heavenly Kingdom at My right hand forever. BUT SO SAY I NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVENESS NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REDEMTION NO SALVATION AND ONLY IN JUDGMENT LOOKING FORWARD TO BE JUDGED CONDEMNED AND CAST BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH INTO THE  BOTTOMLESS PIT.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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