Tuesday 12 November 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Hosts creator of the Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens all of creation even the Sun Moon and the stars and galaxies thereof fixed in the Heavens especially created I the Earth and all that upon it that doth exist even all the creatures thereof and especially mankind who I did from out of the dust of the ground form their body and into them breathed I the breath of Life first the man and then from man the woman both male and female created I them both equal, in Mine own image created I them and did command them to go forth and multiply and cover the whole Earth with their offspring and when I say I created them equal so created I them equal in all of their being though in procreation having different roles and thus it was and is that I did give unto both of their hands dominion over all of My creation and made them responsible for the care and protection of all of the creatures of My creation. Thus it was when mankind fell man being created first and the woman created from man for that is the true meaning of the word woman or female from man or of the male for as so said first created I the man and then out of the man created I the woman or female but they were as afore said in My eyes created equal neither one being above the other as are all of mankind equal in every respect in Mine eyes equal and as they fell so was the blame for their fall equal in every respect. In that being deceived by the lie’s of the adversary they disobeyed My first commandment and as so said as punishment for disobedience I said they would surely die and so they did first spiritually and immediately in that they knew they were naked and ashamed of their nakedness and sought to cover themselves not only their bodies but themselves even seeking to hide their guilt for having broken My first commandment when I came down in the cool of the day to converse with them as was My want and then and then physically did they die though not immediately by the casting forth from My presence and out of Eden’s garden. Thus it was that as afore said because I created them in mine own image I could not cause them to cease from existence nor did I want to and thus I proved them a way back unto Me but not only they but all of their offspring if they so wanted to do so. But for those who would want not to return unto Me a place of banishment and punishment was created even the bottomless pit and the lake of the first of everlasting punishment. Punishment for first for original sin inherited from their parents the effects of which were witnessed in the Killing of Abel by his brother and then all the wickedness immorality corruption iniquity wickedness and evil of the Nations that sprung into being for thence until Noah’s flood when I at first regretted ever creating mankind. For it was that I did give unto mankind a span of life so that mankind could multiply and cover the face of the Earth and to give everyone who came into being upon the face of the Earth at a point so ordained by Me to if they wanted to turn unto Me by the way I promised even by faith in the Messiah and saviour to come; of which in the only true Messiah the promise of a Messiah and saviour to come was as so promised fulfilled;  a time when every one of mankind is given only once the choice in their life upon Earth  the true freedom of will to chose through faith in the promised Messiah My will and obedience to all of My Holy Law and Commandments My way or by their own will to go their own way in disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and suffer the consequences thereof even the bottomless pit and the lake of the fires of everlasting torment at the end of Earthly life or to be saved and to turn from all wickedness corruption and immorality iniquity evil and the breaking of My Holy Law and commandments and from My wrath to come upon all of disobedient and wicked of mankind who chose their own will and to go their own way in life and at the end suffer as so said the consequence of that choice in Judgment even to be cast into the bottomless pit and the lake of the fires of everlasting torment or be acquitted in Judgment and inherit eternal life and to ascend at the end of their life on Earth in the Kingdom Of Heaven. Thus hath I set this down at this time so that all of mankind may have none excuse before Me in Judgment that they were not warned of the coming Judgment day wherein all of mankind would be Justly Judged by Me and were not given every chance to turn unto Me by faith in the only true redeemer saviour and Messiah IMMANUEL and instead; if they did turned unto Me by faith in the only true eternal Passover lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL; of being cast into the bottomless pit and into the lake of the fires of everlasting torment and punishment they would have inherited everlasting life in My Heavenly Kingdom forever. Thus it is and shall be having been warned of the consequence of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments and the consequences also of rejecting redemption and salvation through the Messiah IMMANUEL then those who do so only have themselves to blame when they come before Me in Judgment for as afore said I would rather have it that all mankind repent and do turn unto Me by Faith in the Messiah Immanuel than to be cast into the bottomless pit and the flames of torment and punishment that exist in the Lake of the fires of eternal torment thereof. But it is as so said that the days of redemption and grace and mercy are now coming to an end and the days wrath and the days of wrath anger death and destruction are to befall all of the Nation of Mankind thus far Judged By Me for as there was a beginning of days so must there be an end of days as so set down and revealed in My Word and as all thing so set down and revealed in My Word till now hath been fulfilled so shall it continue to be so as is set down in My Word until Judgment day dawns and all of mankind both the quick and the dead shall be brought forth before My Judgment throne to be Judged. But all that is set down in My Word first must be fulfilled even in all of  My Word even in the law and the prophets through whom I revealed all that is to come  and commanded them to write down all that I revealed unto them even first of all of My Holy Laws and Commandment on tablets of stone and then on scrolls to be a testimony and a witness to all of mankind of all that I required of mankind in obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and the consequences of disobedience of  them all so that they when coming before Me should have none excuse that they knew not what I required of mankind even perfect perpetual obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments upon pain of physical and spiritual death if found guilty.  Physical death being cut off from this existence this being the first death and the second being cut off from Me who am the source of all life both spiritual and physical. Thus it was in the beginning I did require that mankind did do My will as it was and is done in My Kingdom of Heaven upon Earth and was done by mankind before mankind’s fall but thereafter when mankind fell first came physical death and then spiritual death but in grace and mercy in the provision of a saviour and Messiah to come did I give unto all of mankind as afore said and set down, a span of physical existence so that if any of mankind did desire to return unto Me they could do so by faith in the promised Messiah to come  firs then t by seeking forgiveness of all sins crimes and transgressions and once by Me forgiven and then by Faith in the only true Messiah redeemed by the cleansing of His blood of all sins crimes and transgressions especial of inherited original sin and all of the sins crimes and transgression committed in life in the breaking of all of all of My Holy Laws and commandments He being the only true Passover Lamb for there is no name under heaven that any of mankind can be saved from My wrath to come in Judgment and from being cast forever; if found guilty original sin and of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and commandments; into the bottomless pit forever and inherit My Heavenly Kingdom. Thus it is that once as so said and set down and revealed in My Holy Word Law and the prophets the Nations have been punished as foretold the days of Jacobs trouble shall begin and these being the Last to be by Me Judged thus it is that the days of wrath and anger death and destruction in the punishing of the Nations thus Judged By Me of the Earth shall begin and none shall escape My Just Judgement and the outpouring of the all consuming fires of my wrath and anger no not one. But it shall be that if any of the Nations of the Earth do seek to obey from the heart all of my Holy Laws and Commandments then it shall be that until Judgment days dawns My wrath and anger shall not fall upon these but it is that not only shall I with hold My wrath and anger but shall also cause to descend upon them as a reward peace and prosperity but make no mistake that shall apply in this life only and it still shall remain that those when Judged who have been found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments and have refused in the days of grace and mercy to repent and turn unto Me by Faith in the only true Messiah will still be in Judgement upon Judgment day be found guilty sentenced and punished by the casting thereof in to the bottomless pit. Thus now that it is that now these Nations have by Me been Judged the days of grace and mercy are ending only the days of wrath and anger remain and shall be executed upon all the unrepentant Nation as so demanded by all of My Holy Laws and Commandments only those who shall escape My wrath and anger until Judgment days as said and set down are all of the Nation that shall obey from their hearts all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as so set down and revealed in My Word all who refuse to do so shall feel the full force of My all consuming wrath and anger descending upon them by Great Storms Hurricanes Tornadoes cyclones Tsunamis tidal waves Earth Quakes and Volcanic activity especially on the Island Nations of the Earth followed by the increased heat of the Sun scorching and drying out the ground leading to drought and famine plagues and pestilence and uncontrollable diseases and these shall not cease until Judgment day dawns and all of Mankind is brought before Me to be Judged both the as said afore the Living and the dead past present and future. Thus as I have Judge and am purposed to Punish all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth thus far Judged and found wanting even guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Laws so also I am purpose to purposed now that the  days of grace and mercy have ended SAINT HELENA SOUTH OSSETIA AND PITCAIRN ISLANDS  and as with the other Nations thus far Judge and found guilty of breaking any or all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Laws and also guilty of committing all manner of great wickedness corruption and immorality especially in as far as their Government are concerned  and of failing to meet the needs of the needy of  the sick the lame the disabled the homeless the orphan and shelter for the refugee fleeing civil war and persecution even devastating poverty, also guilty of polluting and destroying the environment especially polluting of the seas around these Nations by their inhabitants which have and do result in the deaths of the creatures of My creation as I am set to punish all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth thus already Judged I shall in wrath and anger by the all consuming fires of My Wrath and anger punish these Nations also. But as I am purposed at this time to punish the unrepentant nations of the Earth and cast them down so also I shall punish these Nations in like manner in wrath and anger with the IRON ROD of MY JUST JUDGEMENT but and if obedience from the heart is forth coming then peace prosperity and a withholding of wrath and anger until Judgment day dawns.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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