Saturday 12 October 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel creator of all that is was and ever shall be of all of the Universe and all that exists therein the Galaxies stars and planets even the Sun moon and especially the  Earth upon which I formed from out of the dust of the ground all the creatures thereof and especial mankind both male and female created I them and breathed into them the breath of life and commanded them to go forth and multiply and cover the surface wherein death and the grave evil and corruption and time existed not only eternity thus all before mankind fell were immortal having only beginning of days and not end of days. Thus it was all the creatures and mankind were immortal until mankind fell causing the curse of death and corruption to descend upon all of creation and upon all of mankind and time began of which now is soon to come to end when Judgment day dawns for behold I shall created a New Heavens and a New Earth and upon it shall be My Holy City where on the old stood as shall the House to My Holy Name wherein My presence shall dwell forever and upon the New Earth an infant shall not reach adult hood until a hundred years old and the Lamb and the wolf shall lay down together and feed of the grass of the ground and no harm shall be done in My Holy Mount thus when I have caused the old to be rolled like unto a scroll cast into the fire and destroyed the old shall no More be remembered or brought to mind in all of the New Earth wherein death and the grave exist not and  wherein evil and corruption are no more upon the Earth and in all of creation My Will shall be done as it is in My Heavenly Kingdom. Thus this is the meaning of the end of days as is set down in My Word when Judgement day dawns and mankind is Judged and the wicked and unrepentant cast out into outer darkness and in to the bottomless pit and cast into the Lake of the fires of everlasting torment and the redeemed of the eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah in Judgement acquitted and ascend into the Heaven of Heavens even into the Kingdom of Heaven My Eternal Kingdom time ends and eternity begins saith the Lord God of the Host of heaven thus it is from this time forth until the end of days shall all the Nations thus Judged My Me be Punished by the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger wherein many of the Nations of the Earth shall be cast down unto the dust of the ground to be no more nor remembered or brought to mind especially all those Mightiest of the Nation of the Earth thus Judged by Me and found guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Most Holy Moral Law these shall I cause to fall by the striking of My Terrible Swift Sharp Sword in the hand of He who wields it even the Captain of the Heavenly Hosts. Thus it is now cometh the end of the days of grace and mercy and as so said the beginning of the punishing of the Nations with the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement for as so said I shall cast down and destroy the four mightiest Nation upon the face of the Earth but there shall follow as so afore said many of the Nations of the Earth being guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of great wickedness evil iniquity corruption and immorality and of the pollution and devastation of the environment that hath been and still is the cause of the cruel deaths and injuries of the creatures of My Creation both of land in the oceans and seas and in the air who remain unrepentant and hard hearted whose ears have become deaf to the warnings of My wrath and anger to come and blind to My Word of Warning sent unto them in times past and even at this time even unto all the present generations of Mankind. Thus it shall be I shall punish all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth as so said by the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger by great storms of such magnitude as never afore seen upon the face of the Earth till now by tornadoes whirlwinds and fire the increased heat of the sun bearing down upon the Earth by Earth quakes and Volcanic activity in many places and Nations also by tsunamis and tidal waves and the flooding of many of the cities and towns of the Nations of the Earth followed be drought and famine on such a scale that shall cause many to fall down unto the dust of the ground and plague and pestilence and uncontrollable disease shall follow thereafter for it is that all of mankind hath been adequately warned of these days that shall now come upon all of the Earth and have been given ample opportunity to turn and repent and be redeemed being forgiven of all sins crimes and transgressions especially in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments by the eternal only true Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL in the days of grace and mercy given but ye of the Nations having been warned and given the means of escaping My wrath and anger upon all of mankind to come would not repent and by Faith in the only true Messiah be redeemed therefore thine own blood thou having been warned is upon thine own head and for thine own condemnation in and upon Judgment day cast into the bottomless pit thou hast only thyself to blame for it was that I rather than condemn any of mankind in Judgment to be cast out from My presence and cast into the Bottomless pit would have had that all of mankind would have repented and BE REDEEMED BY FAITH IN THE ONLY TRUE ETERNAL PASSOVER LAMB AND MESSIAH IMMANUEL but ye would not for it is as so said I it is that hath no Joy even in the death of the wicked unbelieving disobedient of mankind for all the creatures and mankind are the creation of Mine own hands especially the young who are most precious in My sight. Thus it is I shall Judge Bermuda and Guam and if found guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments I shall punish them in wrath and anger with the IRON ROD of My Just Judgment once the days of grace and Mercy for these hath ended and the days of the punish of the Nations of the Earth begun that shall soon come to pass and it shall be that the first shall be last and the last first of the Nations by Me to be punished saith the Lord God even Adonai Elohei Tzva'ot not only for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall I punish these Nations but and also for great wickedness corruption and immorality and for the pollution and devastation of the environment. Thus shall I Judged and punish also the governments of Bermuda and Guam if found to be neglecting their responsibility of meeting the needs of the needy of their Nation of the sick the disabled the terminally ill of the elderly the widow and the orphan of the poverty stricken and destitute of the homeless and of the strangers and refugees within their gates but more so if found guilty of failing to provide adequate care and protection for the Young and the very Young and the Vulnerable from those who would harm abuse or murder them for the very young are most precious in My sight and I will not hold any guiltless if found so doing but punish them so that in future they shall pass straightway from the Earth to await My  wrath and anger in Judgment without exclusion or forgiveness. But as so said in these days of grace and mercy if the Bermuda and Guam repent seeking for forgiveness of all sins crimes and transgression and if on being forgiven by Me are by faith in the eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL redeemed then instead of wrath and anger death and destruction showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place prepared for all who do repent in My Kingdom at life’s end forever and ever but even as so said to others so say also to these Islands NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVENESS NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REDEMTION NO SALVATION AND ONLY IN JUDGMENT A LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING JUDGED CONDEMNED AND CAST BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH INTO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT FOREVER.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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