Monday 28 October 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith Lord God even Adonai Elohim Tzva’ot of the whole of creation and all the of Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens and even the only true redeemer and saviour of mankind and Israel and the eternal Passover Lamb whose shed blood alone by Faith cleanses from all sins transgressions and the crimes of Breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as I have Judged the other Nations of the Earth so shall I judge these two Nations as I shall also punish all the Judged Nations of Europe once the days of grace and mercy have come to an end as they shall soon do so when the Judging of the Nations of the Earth have ended. But let Me remind thee that I have and shall no matter what I the Lord God hath and shall Judge as so said all the Nations of the Earth from the Northern most Nation of North America to the most southern most Nation of South America from North Africa to the South African from the most Northern Nation of Eastern Europe to the Sri Lanka and from Israel, Gaza and Palestine to the South China Sea and also even all the Nations of the Middle East and the far East  including New Zealand and Australia so shall I do and have done in as far as the Americas and North Africa  and the rest of the African continent are concerned and that only now remains to be Judged are but a few remaining Nations of the Earth. ABKHAZIA ÅLAND ISLANDS SBA AKROTIRI AND DHEKELIA CHRISTMAS ISLAND COCOS AKROTIRI AND DHEKELIA HONG KONG INDONESIA IVORY COAST MACAU MALAYSIA MAURITIUS NAGORNO-KARABAKH NORFOLK ISLAND NORTHERN CYPRUS PITCAIRN ISLANDS ROMANIA SAINT HELENA SOMALILAND SOUTH OSSETIA SVALBARD EAST TIMOR TRANSNISTRIA TRISTAN DA CUNHA WESTERN SAHARA which if found guilty of Breaking of all of my Holy Laws and Commandments shall once the days of grace and mercy have ended shall along with all the rest of the Nations thus Judged by Me punished one by one not only by the full fury of the all consuming fires of My Wrath and anger but by also the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGMENT better is it that I judge all these Nation individually so that if I find any of the Nations thereof righteous and Holy in My sight I may in Judgment Passover them and instead of wrath and anger blessing prosperity and peace but as said if none repentant and obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments is not forth coming wrath and anger shall descending upon the unrighteous Nations of the Earth by as so said the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT. Thus it is that I shall thus Judge these two Nations as so said and if they be found to be Holy and righteous in My sight I shall indeed in Judgment Passover them and bless them and causing them to prosper in all that they do upon the face of the Earth but as also afore said if found guilty of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and being found unrighteous full of all manner of wickedness corruption immorality the pollution and devastation their environment the neglecting of the needy especially the young and elderly the sick and disabled the poverty stricken the refugee and the immigrant and if especially their Governments and local authorities if found guilty of these sins crimes and transgressions and the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Moral Laws then of a certainty the full fury of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger shall indeed descend upon these Nations. Thus also as I have so done with the other Nations of the Earth I shall; until I have judged the remaining nations to be judged; give a period of grace and mercy so that any Nation if they will can turn from off breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Most Holy Moral Laws repent and be redeemed through faith in the only true Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL whose shed blood alone cleanses from all sins transgressions and the crimes of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments but if in that time of grace and mercy they chose not to repent and be redeemed by Faith in the only true Eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL then once the days of grace and mercy have ended the full fury of My wrath and anger shall descend upon them by Earth quake and whirlwind and fire by Hurricanes and great storms never afore seen upon the face of the Earth by drought and famine by plague and pestilence by floods and Tsunamis thus it is by these words do I so warn all of the Nations of the Earth of the coming final Judgment day and the punishment due to the Nation thus far Judged and those to be Judged that none no not one Nation upon the face of the Earth shall escape being by Me Judged and if found guilty punished by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT. Though as asked by those who cannot understand nor comprehend how is it that I the Lord God of Host of heaven and creator of the Universe and all of mankind kind and the creatures that exist upon the face of the Earth Judge of a truth any Nation in the time it takes for Me to do so even in a day and a night and My only answer is that in an instant of time I could if I so wished not only Judge all of mankind and punish all the wicked rebellious unbelieving Nations that break all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Laws and cast them all into bottomless pit and all remembrances of them the land of forgetfulness to be remembered no More I could do so in an instant of time. But it is for My Peoples sake and all of those the world over who do believe in and follow after the Messiah and do by faith do My Will as is done in the Heaven of Heavens and do Love Me with all their hearts minds and spirits/souls I refrain from doing as I once almost did in Noah’s day when as it says because of mankind’s great wickedness iniquity and the evil mankind did upon the face of the Earth I almost regretted having created mankind and did purpose to wipe them from the face of the Earth but Noah and his family being righteous and Holy In My sight I did refrain from so doing unto mankind which would have resulted in the Earth ceasing  to exist the simplest answer I can give unto all who seek the answer to this question as to My Judging of the Nations one by one in a day and a night  is that time exists not in eternity and I AM THAT I AM, am eternal and infinite in My being and am in every place at once not only just throughout the Earth but all of the Universe I can cause all of mankind to come before Me in an instant as it shall be so done when the final Judgement day dawns all of mankind shall be individually Judged by Me saith the Lord God both the Living and the dead who shall be called forth from their grave to be b Me Judged all at  the same time they all shall be Judged and those found guilty of all sins crimes and transgression in the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall be cast into the bottomless pit. Thus it is mankind before they fell enjoyed in eternity immortality and after falling became limited by time and space the passage of time of day the seasons forever changing and at the end of mankind’s life on Earth both male and female death and the grave in as far as the flesh is concerned and of the spirit a coming before Me to be judged and if found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments and moral laws to be cast into the bottomless pit for all eternity. As so shall all those who by faith having been redeemed by the only true Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL enter into My Heavenly Kingdom before My Throne having in their hearts peace beyond all understanding infinite  peace blessing happiness and everlasting life for all eternity in My presence and then it is that the old heavens and Earth shall be rolled upon as one rolls up a corrupt scroll cast into the fire sho shall it be so with the old creation and like unto a new scroll unrolled ready to be written shall the new heavens and Earth  shall be likened unto the unrolling of that new scroll to be written upon New creation shall be created even of a New perfect heaven and a New perfect Earth where death destruct decay unhappiness war famine drought hath no place and as is written in My Word the lion shall indeed lay done with the lamb and at child shall play safely with all the creatures of the New creation of which the Earth shall indeed be world without end.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

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