Wednesday 16 October 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel THE I AM THAT I AM creator of all of creation even the Universe as so afore said and all that exists therein even all of the Stars Galaxies and Planets and all the wonders thereof to the praise of My Holy Name especial the Earth and all of the creatures and of mankind that upon the surface thereof live and move and have their being. Thus it is as so said afore soon shall it be that the days of the punish of the Nations shall begin and any and all of the Nations involved in this Middle Eastern conflict that shall be responsible for the deaths of innocent civilians especially the Young and very Young of which are most precious in My sight I shall in Judgment not Hold Any Guiltless but shall in wrath and anger punish them most severely. Thus it is at this time as with all the Nations thus far Judged so shall I Judge Vanuatu and if found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments as is set down and revealed in My Word so shall I saith the Lord God punish this Nation and is Islands according to the punishment as set down in My Holy Word Law and Commandments with the IRON ROD of My Just Judgment but not alone shall I punish this Nation and its Islands for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but also for great wickedness corruption and immorality  and for the pollution and devastation of the environment resulting in the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation the protection and care of which I did in the beginning give unto all of mankind so to do until the end of time and of which I shall in Judgment  punish all of those who have neglected their God given responsibility for the care welfare and protection of the creatures of My creation but not only shall I in Judgment punish mankind for neglecting their God given responsibility for the care and protection of the creatures of My creation but in the days also to come upon all of mankind when the days of grace and mercy have ended and the punishing of all of the Nations begin I shall saith the Lord God of Hosts for all their crimes sins and transgressions in the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments along with the neglecting of the responsibility I gave unto mankind in the beginning even until Judgment day for the care welfare and protection of all of the creatures of My creation and the crimes of wickedness immorality and corruption punish all of the guilty Nations of the Earth with the full fury of My wrath and anger and by Earth quakes and volcanic eruptions in diverse places of tornadoes and hurricanes of great storms thus far never afore seen upon the face of the Earth of floods and tidal waves of monstrous proportions of tsunamis and floods in many places and Nations followed by drought famine plagues and uncontrollable disease of which the medicines of mankind shall be unable to cure or halt the spreading thereof. Thus shall it be that all these disaster shall of a certainty come upon all the Nations of the Earth unless those Nations guilty of committing these sins transgressions and crime against the creatures of My creation and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments repent and turn unto Me through faith in the only True Eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah redeemer and saviour IMMANUEL and if repentance from the heart is forth coming then My Wrath and anger shall be turned back but if not then the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger shall descend as so afore said in the time to come upon all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth. But not only shall I punish these Nations severely thus judged upon finding them guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but their governments also if found guilty of failing in their duty and responsibility to meet the needs of the needy of their Nation even of the sick the terminally ill of the disabled the widow the elderly the destitute the poverty stricken the homeless and the orphan but and also failing if found guilty in the provision of adequate care and protection for the young the very young and the vulnerable of their Nation against those who would harm abuse or even murder them. But if repentance in these remaining days of grace and mercy is forth coming by these and any of the Nations of the Earth thus Judged and found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments of great wickedness immorality iniquity and corruption then as afore said instead of the full fury of My wrath and anger and of death and destruction everlasting life showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place prepared for those who do repent in My Heavenly Kingdom at My right hand forever. BUT SO SAY I NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVENESS NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REDEMTION NO SALVATION AND ONLY IN JUDGMENT LOOKING FORWARD TO BE JUDGED CONDEMNED AND CAST BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH INTO THE  BOTTOMLESS PIT.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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