Monday 14 October 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel creator of all of creation even the Universe and all that hath doth and shall exist therein untill Judgment day even all of the stars planets galaxies and the wonders thereof to the glory of My Holy Name when thereafter shall the old creation be rolled up as a scroll and as corrupt scroll is cast into the fire so shall the old creation be destroyed and be no more and then it is that I shall create a NEW HEAVENS and a NEW EARTH AND THE FORMER SHALL BE NO MORE NOR REMEMBERED OR BROUGHT TO MIND.  Thus as I planned and ordained to come into being the whole of creation according to that plan so also have I ordained to come to pass all that is was and ever shall be even the coming Judgment day and the end of time and the end of this creation and the beginning of the New wherein alone doth righteousness purity Holiness and truth exist wherein time hath no meaning for in eternity it exists not nor doth death and the grave and disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and all manner of wickedness and immorality and corruption also exists not nor doth sin transgression and crime for as I AM THAT I AM  Holy Pure and Righteous so are all in My heavenly Kingdom for all are in Me and I in them and as I am without beginning or end of days even infinite in My being so all in the Kingdom of the Heaven of Heavens are immortal having a beginning of days but  no end. But as this is so with all in My Heavenly Kingdom even immortal in their existence so are all the souls of mankind cast into the bottomless pit without physical form their bodies having perished and returned to the dust of the Earth and as they are in a sense immortal so also is their punishment in the Lake of the fires of everlasting torment and that without reprieve or end of days for as they have been Judged so shall they for all eternity be punished once Judgment day and this creation comes to an end. Thus it is at this time as with all the Nations thus far Judged so shall I Judge  St Pierre and Miquelon and if found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments as is set down and revealed in My Word even so shall I saith the Lord God punish them as so demanded by My Holy Laws and Commandments in wrath and anger by the Iron Rod of My Just Judgement but not alone shall I punish these Nations for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but and also for great wickedness corruption and immorality and also for the pollution and devastation of their environment caused by the excessive use and miss use of fossil fuels not only in these Islands but also in the transport infrastructure and systems of land sea and air of the Nations and also shall I punish the misuse of the resources found in all of the Earth that I did provide in the creation of the Earth for the good of mankind and not for selfish gain of which now is not only devastating the environment but hath caused the cruel injuries and deaths of a multitude of the creatures of My creation of which not only shall these Nations be punished for their deaths and injuries in Judgment upon Judgment day but in the days to come when the punishing of the Nations begins when the days of grace and mercy have ended when  all the Nations thus Judged and found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Most Holy Moral Law I shall in wrath and anger death and destruction punish all of those I find guilty of so doing and also of committing the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation thus it is that I shall for all of these sins crimes and transgressions punish severely all the Nations of the Earth by Earth quakes and volcanic eruptions in diverse places of tornadoes and hurricanes of great storms thus far never afore seen upon the face of the Earth of floods and tidal waves of monstrous proportions of tsunamis and floods in many places and Nations followed by drought famine plagues and uncontrollable disease of which the medicines of mankind shall have none effect in curing or halting the spreading thereof all these disaster shall of a certainty unless those Nations guilty of committing these sins transgressions and crime against the creatures of My creation and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments repent and turn unto Me through faith in the only True Eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah redeemer and saviour IMMANUEL and if repentance from the heart is forth coming then My Wrath and anger shall be turned back but if not then the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger shall descend as so afore said in the times to come not only on these Nations but all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth. But not only shall I punish these Nations severely thus judged upon finding them guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but their governments also if found guilty of failing in their duty and responsibility to meet the needs of the needy of their Nation even of the sick the terminally ill of the disabled the widow the elderly the destitute the poverty stricken the homeless and the orphan but and also failing if found guilty in the provision of adequate care and protection for the young the very young and the vulnerable of their Nation against those who would harm abuse or even murder them. But if repentance in these remaining days of grace and mercy is forth coming by these and any of the Nations of the Earth thus Judged and found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments of great wickedness immorality iniquity and corruption then instead of the full fury of My wrath and anger wrath and anger death and destruction everlasting life showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place prepared for those who do repent in My Heavenly Kingdom at My right hand forever. BUT SO SAY I NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVENESS NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REDEMTION NO SALVATION AND ONLY IN JUDGMENT LOOKING FORWARD TO BE JUDGED CONDEMNED AND CAST BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH INTO THE  BOTTOMLESS PIT.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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