Monday 2 September 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Hosts and even the only true eternal Passover Lamb saviour and Redeemer and the Messiah IMMANUEL thus say I unto thee the Earth is Mine and the fullness thereof for all that exists in all of the Earth is My creation and the works of My Hands even all of the creatures thereof and also the chief of My creation though fallen and dead in trespasses sins and the crimes of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments; dead in the respect of mankind’s soul being cut off from Me who am the source of all life both physical and spiritual and the body eventually having upon it the curse of death and corruption in the end returning to the dust from whence I created it; yet the souls of mankind retain Mine own Image created in eternity before time began wherein death the grave and corruption had not entered into existence and time had not yet begun. Thus it is as the Earth and the fullness thereof belongs to Me alone it is Mine to give to who I please as I did unto Abraham and his descendants forever and therefore none upon the Earth has the right to take it from them except Myself as I have in the past so done especially since the casting out of My people for all of their sins and crimes and transgression in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as I warned them many a time before they were cast out and dispersed amongst all of the Nations until the end of the last World war when indeed Rome entered into the land of promise destroying the House to My Name and setting up in My Holy Place even the abomination that made desolate all of the land of promise unto the return By Mine own Hand of My People as so revealed and promise I would do so but it is though My have been return unto their own inheritance as promised to Abraham and his descendants forever yet My people refuse to return in spirit and truth unto Me renewing Covenant and being redeemed by Faith in the only true Passover Lamb and redeemer IMMANUEL for there is and never shall be any other Name under Heaven whereby any of mankind and the Holy People can be saved redeemed and made Holy Pure and righteous in My sight except by the Name of the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah even IMMANUEL. Thus it is as I promised never again to flood all of the Earth and set a sign of that promise in the heavens so I promised AS IT IS REVEALED AND PROMISED IN MY WORD NEVER AGAIN TO CAST OUT MY PEOPLE FROM THEIR INHERTITANCE EVEN THE LAND OF PROMISE SO SHALL IT BE DONE! But nevertheless for their great wickedness and rebellion and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Laws if they repent not and renew not covenant and do not cleanse the Land of Promise from all that pollutes it of the Nations of mankind so shall My wrath and anger be aroused once more against My Holy People and though they be not by My hand cast out from the land of promise yet shall I rain down upon their heads the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT but as said if My Holy People repent of all of their sins transgressions and the crimes of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and return unto Me being redeemed by faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL for did I not say unto thee O Israel thou shalt not see Me again until ye say blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord God of Israel and as it is written so shall it come to pass. For it is if thou doth return unto Me as so promised I shall return unto thee O Israel and shall bless and proper thee in all thou doest and shall dwell amongst thee and thou shalt be My People even the sheep of My pastures and I thy God saviour and redeemer and if the House to My Name is rebuilt upon the place once where it stood then shall I return unto the Holy Of Holies the ARK of My Covenant containing the tablets of stone whereon is written My Most Holy Laws and Commandments of the Covenants I Made with thee in the wilderness by the hand of Mosher/Moses but as I so say unto the Nations of mankind so say I unto thee O Israel NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVENESS NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REDEMTION NO SALVATION AND ONLY IN JUDGMENT LOOKING FORWARD TO BE JUDGED CONDEMNED AND CAST BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH INTO THE  BOTTOMLESS PIT. But it is that at this time I shall Judge these Nations even Zimbabwe and Mozambique and if found as so said guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments and My Moral Laws shall they by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT be punished and that most severely but not only shall they be punished if found guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments alone but also for the committing of great wickedness immorality and corruption and for the pollution and the destruction of the environment not only of the land but of the oceans and seas that have resulted in the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation whose blood cries out from the ground for My Just Judgment to strike down the guilty and cast them down into the bottomless pit, and sheol even the lake of the fires of everlasting torment that exists therein as punishment even as so doth the blood of those who have been murdered by the wicked immoral perverts of mankind who on Judgment day shall be denied the mercy they denied their victims and shall of a certainty be cast not only into the bottomless pit but of a certainty into the lake of the fires of everlasting torment that exists therein forever without reprieve for My Judgment and punishment is not as mankind’s as so said afore Mine is permanent and forever. But not alone shall I Judge these Nations and upon finding them guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments punish them severely but their governments if found failing in their duty and responsibility to meet the needs of the needy of their Nation even of the sick the terminally ill of the disabled the widow the elderly the destitute the poverty stricken the homeless and the orphan but and also provide adequate care and protection for the young the very young and the vulnerable of their Nation against those who would harm abuse or even murder them thus if found guilty of failing to meet the needs of the needy and for all of  the crimes sins and transgressions set down herein shall these Nations and the Nations of mankind be punished in wrath and anger by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement and by whirlwind and fire great storm and hurricanes tornadoes and cyclones by Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and by floods drought famine plagues and diseases so shall they all be punished if found guilty and unrepentant but and if repentant in these remaining days of grace and mercy then instead of wrath and anger death and destruction everlasting life showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place prepared for those who do repent in My Heavenly Kingdom at My right hand forever. THUS AS SO SAY I UNT MY PEOPLE SO SAY I UNTO THESE NATIONS NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVENESS NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REDEMTION NO SALVATION AND ONLY IN JUDGMENT LOOKING FORWARD TO BE JUDGED CONDEMNED AND CAST BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH INTO THE  BOTTOMLESS PIT.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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