Sunday 29 September 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God creator of all that is was and ever shall be of the Universe and all that in it that doth exist especially mankind and the all of the creatures that exist and live and move and have their being upon the Earth of which I commanded as I did the Universe to exist and so it came into existence as I so commanded it even by the Word of My Mouth was created the Earth Moon Sun Stars Galaxies and all the wonders thereof to the glory of My Holy Name.  Thus it is saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens who as afore said created the Earth and hath by My Word as so said formed from the void the Earth and upon it created the seas oceans and the dry Land and upon the Land all the herbs of the fields and all the trees and forests the Lakes rivers and streams mountains and hills and to inhabit the Land oceans seas and in the air created I all the creatures thereof and lastly created I mankind in Mine own image created I their souls and breath them in their bodies formed from the dust of the ground and upon doing so as so commanded mankind and the creatures of the Earth to go forth and multiply and cover the surface of the Earth the marine life of every species to inhabit the seas and oceans of the Earth and all manner of insects and mammals to inhabit all of the land masses of the Earth and created them to exist and prosper in whatsoever environment I place them to exist and in all manner of fowl to inhabit the land and air of the Earth and lastly as so said created I mankind both male and female and commanded all to go forth and multiply and to cover the surface of the Earth both the creatures of the Earth and mankind and thus it was and is that I gave unto mankind dominion over all the creatures of the Earth even of all of the Land and all upon it thus gave I mankind dominion over all the Earth and the creatures thereof and made mankind each and every one responsible for the care and protection of all the creatures thereof and also the environment and thus after the fall mankind begun to abandon and neglect the responsibility I gave unto them and thus I did punish mankind not only for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments as I had so written upon their hearts when I created them in Mine own image in the beginning but also for their neglect of the responsibility I gave unto mankind to care for and protect the creatures of the Earth and the Environment the first major punishment being the Noah’s Flood as ye call it when I almost regretted having created mankind. But as I promised from thence so have I kept My promise in the punish of mankind for their treatment of the creatures of the of the Earth and Environment and the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments written since Mosher upon tablets of stone as well as the hearts of mankind as so witnessed in the consciences of mankind never again to destroy mankind by the means of flooding the Earth but nevertheless I have as well as punishing mankind for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments punished mankind in the past for their neglect of their duty and responsibility of protecting and caring for the creatures of the Earth and the Earth’s environment and as I have in the past so shall I do again at this time for mankind now has neglected their responsibility for the care and protection of the creatures of the Earth and the environment to such an extent as so did mankind before Noah’s flood of which I warned mankind that the point of no return for the recovery of the Earth’s environment by mankind was near at hand but now I say the point of no return for the recovery of the environment and the species of all the creatures of the Earth has not only been reached but crossed and that no matter what mankind does to seek to recover the environment and halt its devastation and thus halt the cruel deaths and injuries of the creature of My creation will fail. Thus it shall be that not only shall the devastation of the environment affect and result in the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation but will begin to affect the whole of mankind causing the devastation of Nations whole populations of which the blame thereof can only be laid at mankind’s door but as so said as I punished mankind in the past so shall I at this time punish mankind most severely for their pollution devastation and destruction of the environment and the their neglecting of their responsibility given by Me saith the Lord God of Hosts for the care and protection of the creatures of My creation and the environment of the Earth in My eyes all who have neglected their God given responsibility and duty are worthy of only one punishment when; if found guilty of so doing; coming before Me to be Judged and that Judgement shall indeed be executed upon all found guilty of so doing especially all the Nations by Me Judged already and having been found guilty of so doing which also means these Nation now before Me being Judged by Me even Kirbati and Saint Lucia and of which if found guilty shall indeed when these days of grace and mercy on the verge of ending do so and the punishing of the Nations thus Judged By Me saith the Lord God begins and shall continue until Judgment day when the end shall come which now is not long of even at the door when indeed the old Earth and Heavens even all of the Universe shall Pass away and the creation of the New begin. Thus it is if these two Nations in the time given to repent, repent not of especially the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Holy Moral Law and of all of their sins crimes and transgressions committed in all of their lives upon the Earth then once the time of grace and mercy hath ended then it is that the full fury of My all consuming wrath and anger by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT shall descend upon all of the Nations by Me Judged and found guilty not only of the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments but all of the sins crimes and transgression committed by mankind and all of Nations of mankind throughout all of the Earth thus far Judged and found by Me guilty  of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments thus it shall be that these and all the Nation Judged and found by Me guilty once the days of grace and mercy soon to end have ended then by great storms as said never afore seen upon the Earth of Tsunamis and tidal waves of Earthquakes and Volcanic activity in all of these Nations also great floods hurricanes tornadoes cyclones of which shall be followed by plagues and diseases and pestilence drought and famine and then when all these troubles now descending upon all of the Earth and those to come hath come to an end a certain looking forward to by mankind of the dawning of Judgment day but as so said if these days of troubles now come upon the Earth had not been shortened then no flesh would by Me have been saved but for My peoples sake and all of those redeemed through the blood of eternal Passover Lamb even the Messiah IMMANUEL these days shall and have been shortened and thus as they have been shortened the dawning of the Judgment day is now not long off as afore said even at the door ready to enter in and the Judging of all of mankind is soon to begin. But say I this also if these and the Nations thus far Judged and awaiting punishment do repent whilst there is still time seeking for forgiveness of Me and upon being forgiven of all sins transgressions turn unto Me having been redeemed by Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL then instead of wrath and anger death and destruction everlasting life and showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place prepared for those who do repent in My Heavenly Kingdom at My right hand forever. THUS AS SO SAID I TO ALL THE HOLY PEOPLE ISRAEL SO SAY I UNTO THESE NATIONS NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVENESS NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REDEMTION NO SALVATION AND ONLY IN JUDGMENT A LOOKING FORWARD TO BE JUDGED CONDEMNED AND CAST BY THE ANGEL OF DEATH INTO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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