Thursday 26 September 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God creator of all that was is and ever shall be even as afore said of the Universe which is held in the palm of My Hand and even all that exists therein especially the Sun Moon Stars Galaxies and the wonders thereof declare and reveal the glory of My Holy Name and most of all the Earth upon which I created the land and the seas and oceans but more so the creatures thereof and especially mankind created I in Mine own image in Mine own image created I them both Male and Female created I them and commanded them to go forth and multiply and cover the surface thereof of the Earth after which I saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven their bodies from the dust of the ground as also did I create the creatures bodies thereof and as I created mankind both male and female so breathed I into their bodies their souls as so thereof breath I into the creatures of the Earth their spirit thus as so set down so say I unto thee at this time as I said I would so have I Judged along with all the Nations of the Earth these two Nations and shall continue to Judged the Nations remaining thus it is of a surety  when the days of grace and mercy are ended so shall begin the days of wrath and anger and the punishing of all the Nations of mankind I have Judged throughout the Earth so as I have Judged and found these two Nations Guilty of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and commandments so shall I punish them with the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement along with all the Nations of the Earth thus Judged by Me and with the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger once as said the days of grace and mercy soon to end have ended I shall punish them all.  But the matter in hand is as so said I saith the Lord God even the condemnation of these two Nation having been found guilty of not only Breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments but also of the pollution and the destruction of the environment resulting not only in the cruel injuries diseases and deaths of the creatures of My creation but the cause of many illness and diseases that in these times plague mankind and for all manner of wickedness immorality and corruption so shall I condemn and punish these Nations with the full fury of My wrath and anger by Earthquake and great storms by tornadoes hurricanes and cyclones by tidal waves and tsunamis followed by floods drought famine  whirlwind and fire pestilence plague and uncontrollable diseases and by the increased heat of the sun bearing down upon the Earth causing the ground to become as hard as rock incapable of bringing forth of its bounty. But if these repent seeking to be forgiven by Me in true humility of heart of all their sins crimes and transgressions for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and upon by Me being forgiven and being by Faith redeemed through the shed blood of the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah; for as said and I repeat without the shedding of blood there can be no remission for sin; thus being through His righteousness becoming holy and righteous in My sight My wrath and anger then shall be withdrawn and instead of wrath and anger peace prosperity and showers of blessing descending from above upon all who thus repent and a place then prepared in the Heaven of Heavens at My right Hand at the end of Earthly Life and in Judgement passed over by the angel of death who passed over Israel in Egypt upon seeing the blood of an unblemished first born Lamb upon the doors and lintels of the houses of My People Israel. Of which typified the Messiah to come in that He would as the only true eternal Passover Lamb be sacrifice upon the altar of My Loving Kindness not only for My People Israel but also all of those who would be by Faith be redeemed through His shed blood that cleanseth from all sins transgressions and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments thus making all of those who are redeemed through faith in Him and in His death resurrection and ascension pure Holy and righteous in My sight inheritors of My Kingdom of Heaven. For as so said there is no name under heaven where any of mankind can be saved except through the Name of the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah and that Name alone is IMMANUEL

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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