Thursday 15 August 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God Hosts even the only true Living God and redeemer and saviour of the Holy People and all or those who of mankind have been by faith redeemed through the shed blood of the only true Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL. For I alone by the Word of My Mouth command the Universe to exist and as I commanded so was it created and also it is I who hath created the heavens the heaven of heavens and all the Host thereof the Earth the Sun Moon and stars and have from the dust of the ground formed not only mankind but all of the creatures that exist upon the face of the Earth of land sea and air and I it is who now warns the Nations of the day to come wherein all the Nations of the Earth Judged shall one by one be punished even according to the demands as so set down and revealed in My Word by My Holy Laws and Commandments beginning with My own people and thence all the Nations of the Earth one by one and it shall be that the first to be Judged shall be the Last to be thus punish by the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger and the Last Nations thus to be Judged shall be the first to be punished even as is so set down in My Holy Word Law and Commandments but once the days of Punishing of the Nations comes to an end and the last great Battle fought and the Mightiest Nations of the Earth having fallen down unto the dust of the Earth to be no more then it shall be that time ends and Judgment day begins and when once over, the Earth and all of the Universe shall be rolled up as one rolls up a scroll of no further use only to be destroyed and that by the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger. Then it shall be as so said I shall create the New Heavens and the new Earth. But before that comes to pass the days of the punishing of the Nations that shall commence once the days of grace and mercy have ended and the last Nation to be Judged has been Judged and if found guilty shall awaited the Just punishment along with all the Nations of the Earth. But said I when the days of the punishing of the Nation Judged commences that the heavens shall become as brass to the prayers and pleas and supplications of mankind and so shall they become but not so unto all of those who by faith have been redeemed by faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL for it shall be that all who have been redeemed by faith in the only true Messiah shall by Me be overshadow and protected from all harm and shall have all their prayers pleas and supplications by Me heard and answered. Thus shall it be that the punishing of the Nations about to begin shall be as so said one by one and until each Nation hath been by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement Justly punished these days of wrath and anger death and destruction shall continue and then shall I call for the great Shofar to be blown to call all the armies of the Nations to be gathered on the plains of Megiddo ready for the Last great Battle to begin and as the great Shorfar is blown to call all the Nations armies to arms so shall they gather upon the plains of Megiddo to do battle and great shall be the noise thereof and great shall be the slaughtering of the armies of the Nations so much so that great rivers of blood shall flow thereon such shall be this battle the like of which hath never afore been seen upon the Earth and never shall be ever again and for the dead that have fallen a great wailing and mourning shall be heard throughout all the Earth and so shall be heard the cry how have the might in these days fallen even all of the mighty of the nations of the Earth and then the end shall come when He who holds in His hand the swift terrible sharp sword of My wrath and anger rides out before the Host of Heaven to slay all the wicked of the Earth whose Name upon His thigh is written KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS EVEN THE ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD EVEN THE ONLY TRUE  SAVIOUR REDEEMER AND MESSIAH. Thus though now it is that the reaming Nations to be Judged shall be Judged by Me saith the Lord God even as I have Judged Malawi and Micronesia so shall I Judge the remainder of the Nations to be Judged and having found these and the Nations to follow Guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments so shall I when once the days of grace and mercy have come to an end punish these Nations in wrath and anger death and destruction as I so shall Judge and Punish the rest of the Nations of the Earth thus by Me Judged. Thus by the giving of these days of grace and mercy have I have given these Nations and those to follow the opportunity to repent turn unto Me seeking for forgiveness of all sins crimes and transgressions and upon being forgiven and by faith in the Messiahs cleansing shed blood redeemed and made Holy pure and righteous in My sight saith the Lord God of Hosts thus escaping My wrath and anger to come and the just punishment due to all who have and do break all of My Holy Laws and Commandments thus instead of wrath and anger death and destruction if repentance is forthcoming and forgiveness given and through the blood of the eternal Passover Lambs blood cleansed and made holy pure and righteous in My sight and thus becoming upon the Earth the redeemed of the Living God I shall rain down upon all who repent and turn unto Me by faith in the Messiah showers of blessing peace and prosperity and My protection from all harm and alarm and in the heaven of heaven a place prepared as also it shall be for all who do repent and do turn unto Me by Faith in the only true Messiah IMMANUEL But ad if these Nations repent not then not only shall I punish these Nations in wrath and anger alone for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments but for all manner of great wickedness immorality and corruption and also for the pollution and destruction of the environment that hath caused the creatures of My creation to suffer horrendous injuries and a cruel painful death of which those wh I find gulty of so doing shall in Judgment not hold them guiltless and als as I have Judged and condemned the governments of other Nation for neglecting to meet th needs of the needy of their Nations so shall also upon so Judging and finding these government as guilty as other so Judged so shall I punish these Nations Government for the neglecting to meet the needs of the sick the terminally ill the blind deaf and dumb the widow and th orphan the disabled and the destitute and the poverty stricken and also meeting the needs of those seeking refugee within the gates of these Nations but more so shall I punish these Nation for neglecting to provide adequate care and protection for the young the very young and the vulnerable of these Nations against those who would harm abuse or even murder them thus hall it be for all the the sins crime and transgressions if these Nations repent not I shall punish these Nations by the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger by whirlwind and fire by Earth Quakes and volcanic eruptions by great storms hurricanes tornadoes tsunamis tidal waves and great flood followed by the increased burning heat of the sun causing drought and famine plague pestilence and disease and also as so said by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGMENT. Thus as so said to others so say I  NOW NO REPENTACE NO FORGIVENESS NO REDEMPTION AND NO SLAVATION ONLY A LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING JUGDED FOUND GUILTY OF ALL SINS CRIMES AND TRANSGESSIONS AND SENTENCE TO THE BOTTOMLES PIT FOR EVER.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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