Thursday 8 August 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation of the heavens and the heaven of Heavens even all of the Universe and all that in it is I who hath set the stars in the heavens and in their course and even all of the planets and the galaxies of the Earth the Moon and the Sun who in the beginning created mankind from the dust of the ground, created I their bodies and breathed into them the breath of life and they became living souls thus it was and still is that I did create mankind both male and female in Mine own image in Mine own imaged created I them and that image is their souls which is made up of mind emotions and will each symbolise My true image in mankind even the mind emotions and will each an individual part of the personality or soul, spirit,  yet one complete inseparable whole. The mind is the planner the thinker the organiser which is the image of I Myself the Father the mind of the Godhead I who planned all things from the beginning for without a plan as in building a house nothing can be built, the theory everything happened from the big bang by chance or at random is total ridiculous the emotions is the Son the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL He who Love all of Mankind especially the Holy People so much so that He came down to Earth to suffer My wrath and anger in their place which was and is the Just due of all mankind saith the Lord God which was our due and did for all those who in the past believe in Him and do now believe in Him and shall believe in Him by Faith He did die in their place upon the altar of grace and was resurrected  from amongst the dead the grave and death  unable to hold Him herein thus in His resurrection was My acceptance of His sacrifice as the price paid for all of their sins crimes and transgressions  and thus was My Just Judgment satisfied full measure and the will of symbolises  Roach Hakodesh who by mankind is called the Holy Spirit who hath done is doing and shall do even worked out My will purpose for the whole of mankind and all of creation until the end of time and yet they are all one undivided inseparable whole as is so with Me saith the true and only Living God even Holy One of Israel in whom there is no division nor shadow of turning as it is with Me saith the Lord God so are all the souls of mankind the mind will and emotions are individual parts of mankind’s soul yet all go to make up one indivisible soul personality or person. So to say that My image in mankind is body soul and spirit is false for the body is flesh and blood and as I so said in My Word flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven even My Heavenly Kingdom and the spiritual part of mankind is the soul or spirit not spirit and soul one undivided whole yet three in one. Thus say I this is so set down so that all of mankind may see and know and understand what is My true image in all of mankind though corrupted by sin transgressions and the crimes of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and the first sin that caused the fall of mankind. Thus saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens even all of creation unto thee at this time say I that shall Judge these Nations even Fiji Samoa and Hawaii and if found guilty of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and commandments so shall I pour out upon them the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT but not only for the crimes sins and transgressions of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments shall I punish these Nations but and also for the committing if guilty of great wickedness corruption and immorality and also for the breaking of My commandment thou shalt not make unto they self any graven image of things in the Earth under the Earth in the skies above or in the seas and oceans of the Earth thou shalt not bow down unto or worship or serve them for I am a jealous God visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon their children unto the third  and fourth generation for all of these sin crimes and transgressions shall I punish these Nations especially for the pollution and destruction of the environment of these Nations that have resulted in the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation those guilty thereof committing these crimes in Judgment I shall not hold guiltless. But it is that also shall I punish these Nations Governments if found to be guilty of failing to provide for the needs of the needy of their Nations especially the sick the disabled the blind deaf and dumb the widow the orphan the destitute and the poverty stricken and in the help of those fleeing persecution and civil wars as so said for all these crimes as so set down if I find these Nations guilty of committing even neglecting to provide adequate care and protection for the young and vulnerable from those who would harm abuse or even murder or kidnap them. Thus it shall be that if I find these Nations guilty of committing all manner of wickedness corruption immorality and the pollution and devastation of their environments especially of the seas and oceans surrounding these Nation as said in wrath and anger shall I punish these Nations also by Earthquakes and great storms of tornadoes hurricanes of the eruption of the volcanoes and of great floods followed by drought and famine plague and pestilence tsunamis and tidal waves but as so said I have provided a time of grace and mercy for the Nations thus Judged so that if they will they can upon seeking forgiveness if granted repent of all of their sins and crimes and transgressions and by faith in the Messiah be redeemed cleansed and made Holy Righteous and pure in My sight  and therefore instead of wrath and anger being poured out showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place prepared in the Kingdom of Heaven for them to inherit at the end of Earthy life. But say I to the unrepentant no seeking for forgiveness and repentance no forgiveness no redemption no salvation only a certain wafting for the dawn of My Judgment and My wrath and anger to befall all of the wicked and unrepentant breakers of My Holy Laws and Commandants and to be cast by the Angel of death thereafter into the bottomless pit sheol and the lake of the fires of eternal torment forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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