Saturday 24 August 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts and the Messiah IMMANUEL as so said and revealed afore so repeat I again as a warning and revelation of the coming of the end of days and the end of the old creation and the beginning of the New creation wherein the old heavens and Earth shall pass away and BEHOLD ALL THING SHALL BE CREATED ANEW , even I SAITH ADONAI ELOHIM TZVA'OT who it is that hath created all things according to My will and purposes as is so set down and revealed in all of My Holy Word Laws and Commandments, even the whole of creation from all eternity before time began did I create the Heavens and the Universe and all that in it is even the Sun Moon and stars and the Earth and all that in eternity that hath and doth exist. Thus say saith the Holy One of Israel even the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens  before mankind fell time did not existed only eternity, there was no passage of time yea indeed there was night and day but not as mankind now comprehends night and day for a day then was like unto the passing of a thousand of mankind’s years and that given only as a reference to give mankind an understanding of the timelessness of eternity for as said time existed not therefore this comparison fall far short of the reality of eternity, thus as so said afore when I created all of the creatures of creation and mankind and all that existed in all of creation the passage of time did not exist there was only eternity and therefore all the creatures of creation and mankind that I created were immortal and if mankind had not fallen would have lived forever. It was not until mankind’s fall that time came into existence and the curse of death fell upon all of mankind and through them upon all of creation only then did mankind realised the full the consequences of the breaking of My first commandment given to them when they fell even the curse of death and corruption and the beginning of the passage of time and then through them by inheritance the curse of death passed on to their descendants until the end of time. Thus as death and corruption cannot exist in eternity the present creation has to and must end and a new creation created the old creation must pass away and a new creation take its place all things must in the end pass away of the old creation and anew, perfect and eternal creation by Me created after Judgement days dawning and end. Thus it is as afore said in the new heavens and Earth time will not exist only eternity shall exist and all of mankind who have been redeemed by Faith in the only true Messiah IMMANUEL shall live forever therein where death the grave and corruption crime sin murder plagues disease illness famine pestilence and war and the fear of war shall exists not and as so said in My Word wherein the lion shall lay down with the Lamb and a child shall play on an asps nest without fear only infinite peace perfect peace love happiness shall exist  in all of My Holy Mount and throughout all of the New Earth and all shall live forever and as My will is done in the Heaven of Heavens so shall it be done willingly unto perfection by all from the heart upon the Earth for all shall be as one with each other and one with Me and all shall know each other as they know themselves. Wherein all the hidden things of darkness cannot exists and the old Earth and Heavens shall become but a faded memory. But also for all eternity those cast into the bottomless pit and into the lake of the fires of everlasting torment even all of those who have been Judged and found guilty not only of original sin inherited from Adam and Eve but of breaking all of My Holy Laws and commandments throughout their lives on Earth and committing all manner of wickedness corruption and immorality who have upon being warned of My Just Judgment to come upon all of mankind have chosen through unbelief to ignore the warning given that unless they repented of all sins crimes and transgression committed in the breaking My Holy Laws throughout their lives on Earth that at Judgment day they would be brought before Me saith the Lord God of Hosts even the Holy One of Israel and have to answer for all of their sins crimes and transgression committed throughout their life on Earth and having no excuse before Me and being found guilty of all of their sins crimes and transgressions not only of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments but and also of great wickedness unrighteousness unbelief immorality corruption the pollution and destruction of the Earth environment and of cruelty towards and the cruel slaughter of the creatures of My creation both domestic and wild, but and also as concerning the attitude and treatment by many of mankind towards their fellow human beings shall they be Judged and condemned for as they treated others so shall I treat them and in Judgment condemn them as so shall I all who are found guilty of the crimes transgressions and sins committed in all of their lives on Earth condemn them to the bottomless pit and the lake of the fires of everlasting torment forever even for all eternity.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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