Saturday 10 August 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even the creator of all of creation the Universe and all that exists therein He who set the stars in the heavens even the Hosts of Heaven and in all eternity created He the Heaven of Heavens and all the Host thereof even also all of those who rebelled and were cast out of the heaven of heavens and down unto the Earth to await Judgment day and their eternal punishment which of a certainty shall be executed upon them unto perfection even upon the Adversary and all of his followers and all of those who are guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments even all of those of mankind who have passed from Earthly existence since the beginning of creation all shall be called forth from their graves when Judgment days dawns to stand before Me and be Judge of the House of Israel even of My Holy People first of all and then all of mankind and the Nations of mankind without exception and all of those who by faith have been saved redeemed through the shed blood of the only true Passover Lamb the Messiah in Him resurrect unto everlasting Life in Judgement shall be acquitted and shall ascend into the heaven of Heavens where a place hath been prepared for them first of the House of Israel and then all of those of mankind who have been by Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah saved from My wrath to come upon all of mankind have been forgiven of all of their sins crimes and transgressions and redeemed being thus then cleansed of all sins crimes and transgressions through His shed blood thus being made Holy and Righteous in My sight resurrected unto everlasting life then in Judgement acquitted as pure and holy in My sight covered by the righteousness of the eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL and thus therefore shall ascending also with all of those of the House of Israel who have been by faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb been redeemed and made Holy and righteous in My Sight through His righteousness into the heaven of heavens to claim their inheritance for said I not that the meek shall inherit the Earth and the righteous the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus it is at this time in these Last Days having Judged the Nations of the Earth shall the days of wrath and anger death and destruction begin as also shall come about the fall and the destruction of the four Mightiest Nations of the Earth which as I have ordain are now are upon the path which leads unto their fall down unto the dust of the Earth one by one and the place wherein they shall fall is the Middle East for as said the Middle East is a powder keg that is ready to explode in to such a conflict as hath never been seen since the second World War and into it not only shall the mighty Nations be drawn but many other Nations that are destined to fall even many of the unbelieving disobedient breakers of My Holy Laws and Commandments who have are taking little of no notice of the warnings given to with hold as thou wouldst put it embroiled in such a devastating conflict from which there will be loosers and not winners for in a conflct of the type to come there is and can be no winners only death can be the winner of such a conflict. But it shall be not alone shall the Nations of the Earth suffer in the conflict to come but and also My Holy People. Thus then a question must be asked of the Nations who is to blamed for the coming conflict and the answer the Nations Know on whose doorstep to lay the blame. But now it is that these Nations must be Judged so that the end of the Judging and the punishing of the Judged Nations can begin even these Nations The Canary Islands Benin and Tonga and shall at this time Judge these Nations as I have done afore with the Nations thus far Judged if I find these Nations guilty of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and breaking all of My Holy Moral Laws I shall in wrath and anger full force punish them most severely for the first Nations I Judged had only a short forewarning of My Just Judgment that was going to descend upon them but these nearing the end thereof have had more that enough warning and yet heed not the warning given. But  yet though I in some measure struck the Nations as a warning of My wrath and anger to come I have in wrath and anger struck their possessions only and preserved the lives of many of the people of these Nations thus punished as a warning of that which once the days of grace and mercy end. Thus as so said if i find these Nations guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments having been warned of My wrath and anger to come upon these Nation shall the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger descend but as with other Nations not only for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall I punish these Nation but also for the pollution and destruction of the environment of these Nations as I shall indeed punish all the Nations of the Earth for the pollution and destruction of the environment that hath resulted in the cruel injuries and deaths of hundreds of thousands of the creatures of My creation and have consigned many of mankind to crippling illnesses and a shortening of their life span of which shall I in no way in Judgment Hold the Guilty Guiltless. But also shall I if these nation be found guilty of great wickedness immorality and corruption especially the Government of these Nation and guilty of failing to meet the needs of the needy of their Nations even the sick the terminally Ill the disabled the deaf dumb and blind the poverty stricken and the destitute the widow and the orphan the homeless and the strangers within the gates of these Nations in wrath and anger death and destruction by Earth Quake Volcanic eruptions by whirlwind and fire by great storms hurricanes tornadoes floods tidal waves followed by great droughts caused by the increased heat of the sun bearing down upon the Earth causing it to become barren and lifeless for al of these sins crimes and transgressions if found guilty especially in the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments if these Nation repent not I shall in wrath and anger punish them even by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement  but as with the other Nations a time of mercy and grace I have givn and in that time a Nation repents and turns unto Me by faith in the only true Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL instead of wrath and anger showers of blessing peace and prosperity and at the end of life a place in My Kingdom before My throne forever but and if not when once the days of grace and Mercy are over wrath and anger death and destruction and the in Judgment being condemned to the Bottomless pit thus No Repentance No forgiveness No Redemption no salvation and a certain casting forever into the bottomless pit by the angel of death.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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