Monday 26 August 2019


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Host the creator and redeemer of mankind and the Holy People even all those who have been redeemed by Faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb even the only true Messiah IMMANUEL the creator of the Universe and all that in it that doth exist for in eternity I saith the Lord God did command the Universe to exist and as I commanded so it came into existence of which in the beginning was but an empty void and as Roach Hakodesh; called by the Nations the Holy Spirit; move upon the surface of the void and at My commanded so was brought into existence the galaxies and all the wonders therein and in all galaxies commanded I the creation of the stars and the planets perfect pure and holy in My sight and everlasting in the Heavens and in the midst of one Galaxy I commanded the Earth and the Sun and the Moon to exist and it was so and upon the surface thereof commanded I to exist the land and the ocean and separated I the land from the oceans and seas and it was so and I cause the waters of the seas and oceans to be divided the higher waters from the lower waters and the higher waters I named clouds that would  water the Earth in due season and upon the land and in the seas and oceans I caused to exist the creatures thereof and also created all the creatures of the sky. Thus created I the whole of creation the Universe and all that in it that existed and before it existed there was but an empty void. Thus it was as so set down in My Word after six days I rested from My Labours and as I rested upon the seventh and so I separated and sanctified it unto Myself as a day of rest because upon that day rested I from all My Labours and thus commanded mankind especially all of My people to keep that day as a day of rest and named it the Shabbat or Sabbath of which when I gave to My people through Mosher/Moses My Holy Laws and commandments as covenant betwixt Myself and My People even of every tribe land and Nation to keep forever this one of My first My commandments and as so said rest upon that day that I did bless and hallow and set down in My Holy Law and commandments how it should be kept and as one of the main commandments of My Holy Laws and Commandments the breaking thereof shall indeed incur My wrath and anger to descend upon the breakers thereof thus this is but one of the reasons of setting before thee as concerning the creation of the Heavens and the Earth even all of the Universe and all that in it hath and doth exist. The other being that when mankind fell the curse of death and corruption did not alone fall upon mankind and the creatures of My creation but upon the whole of the Universe from the minutest particle of matter to the full extent of the Universe and thus the necessity of ending this creation and beginning a new creation wherein death and destruction corruption and decay exist not even when all of mankind have been Judged and Judgment day has ended and the wicked and fallen of mankind cast along with the adversary and his followers into the bottomless pit and those redeemed by Faith in the Messiah IMMANUEL ascended into the Heaven of Heavens receiving their inheritance as I so promised to dwell forever at My right Hand along with all of those who have gone on before them even all the of My servants disciples prophets and priests who have been redeemed by faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL. Thus as I so said as I have Judged and found these Nations guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments so shall I in wrath and anger punish them even according to and as so demanded by My Holy Laws and Commandments, unless they repent and turn unto Me having been redeemed by faith by being made holy pure righteous in My sight by having been cleansed by the cleansing blood of the only true saviour redeemer and eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL fo as so said many a time without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins transgressions and the crimes of not only breaking My Holy laws and Commandments and of also original sin inherited from mankind’s first parents. But not only shall I punish these for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments but and also for the committing of great wickedness corruption immorality and iniquity and also for the pollution an the destruction of the environment of which mankind could bring to an end if the majority of mankind had the will to do so of which only a minority of mankind hath even at the present for as so said the pollution of the environment is not only caused by the careless disposal of manufactured products but because of  the misuse in the extreme of fossil fuels and also the lack of respect for creation and the creature of My creation that hath resulted in their cruel injuries and death even in the hundreds of thousands thereof that if I allowed it to continue; of which in no way can I do so; in the end after but a less than a couple of hundred years mankind would be in danger of becoming extinct. For as s said the Earth’s environment is now at a stage beyond which if mankind continues to as so said misuse to extremes fossil fuels and other of the earth’s resources as so provide by Me in the creation of the Earth, the Earth’s environment will be beyond the point of no return and that point shall in the passing of it; of which is but a very short period of time away even less than a decade; no matter what mankind does the environment will be beyond recovery the creatures of My creation species by species will become extinct at an ever increasing rate along with increased deforestation and loss of  arable land for crops production along with the vegetation thereof. Thus because of the treatment of My creation and the misuse of the resources of the Earth by mankind and having Judged all the Nations of the Earth and upon doing so found the majority guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandment of a certainty when indeed these days of grace and mercy have come to an end unless all of mankind turns from their wicked disobedient corrupt immoral and perverse ways then the full force of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger shall not only befall these Nation thus now judged but I shall as so said most severely punish with the Iron Rod of My Just Judgment all of mankind and each and every unrepentant Nation Judged and found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and the committing of all manner of wickedness corruption and immorally one by one and when completed shortly thereafter shall the day of the Judging of all of mankind begin both of the quick and the death even all of those now alive and those already passed on. Thus as so said having Judged these Nations even New Caledonia and The Cayman Islands so shall they also if found unrepentant be punished along with all the unrepentant Nations of the Earth but and if they repent and turn unto Me through Faith in the only true saviour redeemer and Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL then instead of punishment wrath and anger and at the end of Earthy existence cast in the bottomless pit there shall be poured forth showers of blessing peace and prosperity and a place in the My Heavenly Kingdom forever. But and also shall I Judge these Island and all the Nations governments and if found guilty of failing to meet the needs of the need of their people even the sick the disabled the blind deaf and dumb the widow orphan and the elderly the destitute and the poverty stricken but and specially failing to provide adequate care and protection for the young the very young and the vulnerable against those who would harm abuse or even murder them I shall indeed of a certainty punish these governments most severely. BUT SAY I AS SAID AFOR NO REPENTANCE NO FORGIVNESS NO FORVIVENESS NO REDEMPTION NO REPEMPTION NO SALVATION AND NO SALVATION ONLY A LOOKING FORWARD TO BEING CASST INTO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT AFTER BEING JUDGED UPON JUDGMENT DAY.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

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