Tuesday 30 July 2019


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heaven creator and saviour of mankind and the Holy People even they who have been by Faith redeemed through the shed blood of the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL. Thus saith the I AM THAT I AM unto thee at this time in as far as not only the Judging of these Nations Costa Rica, Belize and Mexico but also the coming of the punishing of the Nations thus far Judged and whereof it shall begin as was pointed out that I said in My Word that Judgement shall begin at the House of God and so as it is written so hath it been in the Judging thereof and as it shall it be with the punishing of the Nations thus far Judged punishment if repentance hath not been forth coming by the end even of the time of grace and mercy then first according as so Judged so shall Mine Own Nation and people be punished along with all of those of every tribe land and Nation of mankind that profess to be of and belong unto Me by Faith in the Messiah whether or not in spirit and truth they do belong unto Me if they do and they have fallen far short of the glorifying  My Holy Name in their lives and in their profession of belonging unto Me then the punishment that is their just due shall descend upon them full measure in this life and if unrepentant of all their sins and transgressions and the crimes of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments when Judgment day dawns Judged condemned and cast out into outer darkness and the bottomless pit forever as it surely shall upon all of those who profess to be of Me and are not who believe in false faiths prophets and Messiah who twist and tear out of context My Holy Word to backup and justify their false teachings whose destiny is also to be cast into the bottomless pit forever. But and if they have not fallen short of glorifying Me in their lives and in their profession of belonging unto Me having been redeemed by faith in the only true Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL having repented and been forgiven of all of their sins transgressions and crimes in breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and do obey by faith from the heart all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and in their lives do My Will as it is done in the Heaven of Heavens then showers of blessing shall descend upon them for I shall indeed bless keep overshadow and protect them from all the wiles of the adversary the lusts of the flesh and the cares of this World for as I have so said obedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments without Faith in the only true redeemer and eternal Passover Lamb justifies no one for the works of the law without faith justifies or redeems no one and Faith without obedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments makes faith void and dead. First of all those who are by Faith in the eternal Passover Lambs shed blood redeemed and cleansed from all sin transgressions and the crimes of not only breaking My Holy Laws but are also cleansed of the first sin by which mankind fell and thus become alive unto Me and are therefore holy and righteous in My sight and are able to obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments in spirit and in truth having also the strength and the will to do so for they become by faith  in the Messiah IMMANUEL willing to do My will as it is done in My Heavenly Kingdom for as they become one with the Messiah so do they become one with Me I in them and they in Me. Thus as the Nations have been Judged and their punishment which is their Just due shall be executed upon all of them one by one when the end of the days of grace and mercy cometh to an end when once the Judging of the Nations of the Earth hath been completed and fulfilled as hath been so set down in My Word first as so said the punishing of the Nations shall begin with Mine own House and all the Holy People no matter where they are upon the face of the Earth as so shall it be with all who profess to be of Me whether in spirit and truth they are or are not, all who claim to be of Me and are not shall be shall be Judged and forth with punished and all of those that are of Me shall be also Judged and shall be punished if found guilty of sin transgressions and any disobedience to My Holy Laws and Commandments and shall be forgiven because of their Faith in the Messiah Immanuel escaping being cast into the bottomless pit and shall enter as thou wouldst put by the skin of their teeth. Thus as so said when once the days of grace and mercy are at an end these Nations having been Judged even Costa Rica Belize and Mexico shall if unrepentant and having not by faith in the Messiah IMMANUEL been redeemed and cleansed of all sins crimes and the transgressions in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments so shall I punish these Nations by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement unto perfection as so said I shall so do unto all the Judged nations of the Earth one by one. Thus it shall be that not alone shall  punish these nations by the out pouring of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgment for the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments but for all manner of great wickedness immorality and corruption especially that of the governments of these Nations of which shall be brought out into the light to be seen by all of mankind also of the pollution and destructing of the environment of these Nations that hath resulted in the deaths of the creatures of My creation and hath also cause the inhabitants of these Nations life threatening diseases and also for the neglecting of the goverments of these Nation to meet the needs of the needy of their Nation even the sick the disabled the widow the orphan providing adiquate protection for the elderly the young the very young and the vulnerable against those who would harm murder or abuse them and also providing for the needy suffering from poverty and destitution providing safe refugee for those fleeing civil war persecution starvation and poverty for all of these sins crimes and transgression shall I punish as so said by the iron Rod of My Just Judgment and also by great storms Earth Quakes tsunamis tidal waves tornadoes hurricanes floods and the spewing forth molten rock from the mouth of volcanoes also the bearing down of the heat of the sun so much so that it cause the ground to become as hard as rock resulting in drought and famines followed by plague and pestilence and uncontrollable diseases but this I say if repentance be forth coming the My wrath and anger shall be with held and instead of wrath and anger showers of blessing peace prosperity and My protection against all of thine enemies and at lifes end a place in My Heavenly Kingdom for ever but and if no repentance in these days of grace and mercy then of a certainty as so said the punishment that shall be thy just due shall descend upon thee and at life’s end cast into the bottomless pit and sheol forever.

This the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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